Fondazione Prada | “Human Brains: Conversations”


Fondazione Prada | “Human Brains: Conversations”

The online project consists of 7 pairs of video lectures by international scientists, philosophers and researchers followed by 7 live streaming conversations

Fondazione Prada | “Human Brains: Conversations”

“Conversations” will take place from September 2021 to April 2022 and will be availa ble on the website and on Fondazione Prada’s YouTube channel. The online project consists of 7 pairs of video lectures by international scientists, philosophers and researchers followed by 7 live streaming conversations that will include interaction with the remote audience.

“Human Brains” is the result of a complex research conducted by Fondazione Prada in collaboration with a scientific board chaired by Giancarlo Comi, neurologist, and composed of Jubin Abutalebi , cognitive neurologist, Massimo Cacciari, philosopher, Viviana Kasam, scientific journalist, Udo Kittelmann, curator and museum director, Letizia Leocani, neurologist and n europhysiologist , Andrea Moro, neurolinguist, and Daniela Perani, cognitive neurolo gist .

This project on science is a true challenge for a cultural institution like Fondazione Prada. The dialogue embodied by “Human Brains” underlines the importance of cooperation in order to give value and disseminate meaningful studies and practices for our present . Based on a strictly scientific approach , “Conversations” is an innovative format for in – depth analysis, communication and popularization addressed to a heterogeneous and international public . It is an open platform for experiment ing inclusive modes of exchange between scientists and scholars from different fields and a wide community of students, researchers, and people of all ages and backgrounds interested in neurosciences and brain studies in general.

Each conversation will consist of a 40 – minute online debate in which two prestigious researchers will dialogue with each other via live streaming on a specific topic, coordinated by a moderator.

also check: Osservatorio Fondazione Prada presents Sturm&Drang

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