“Liu Ye: Storytelling”, edited by Udo Kittelmann
Milan, 30 January – 28 September 2020 (press preview 29 January)
“The Porcelain Room – Chinese Export Porcelain”, curated by Jorge Welsh and Luísa Vinhais
Milan, 30 January – 28 September 2020 (press preview 29 January)
“K. Martin Kippenberger’s The Happy End of Franz Kafka’s “Amerika” accompanied by Orson Welles “The Trial and Tangerine Dream’s album The Castle”, curated by Udo Kittelmann
Milan, 21 February – 27 July 2020 (preview press 19 February)
“Stop Painting”, curated by Peter Fischli
Venice, 23 May – 29 November 2020
“Domenico Gnoli”, curated by Germano Celant
Milan, 25 September 2020 – 22 February 2021
“Storytelling” is a personal exhibition of the Chinese painter Liu Ye curated by Udo Kittelmann, presented from January 30th to September 28th 2020 at the North gallery in Milan (preview for January 29th). The exhibition project, inaugurated for the first time at Prada Rong Zhai in Shanghai in 2018, continues in Milan and includes a selection of 35 paintings made since 1992.
In Shanghai, Liu Ye’s works interacted harmoniously with the original furnishings, decorations and colors of the historic 1918 residence, establishing a symbiotic relationship with Prada Rong Zhai’s intimate spaces and small rooms. In Milan, his paintings generate a chromatic and material contrast with the concrete walls and industrial architecture of Fondazione Prada, activating a new narrative sequence and an enigmatic contrast with the large exhibition spaces.
The intimate and sensual imagination of Liu Ye finds its multiple sources of inspiration in literature, in the history of art and in the popular culture of the Western and Eastern world, giving life to atmospheres that evoke introspection, purity and suspension. In his artistic practice, a fairy tale and irony coexist with a parodic vein.

Foto-Inventarnr: F0015348; Fotograf: Anders, Jörg P.; Topographische Informationen: > Berlin > Schlossgarten Charlottenburg > Ehrenhof/Schlossplatz > Schloss Charlottenburg > Schloss Charlottenburg, Altes Schloss > Westflügel > Erdgeschoss > Porzellankabinett; Aufnahmedatum: 1970-1999
“The Porcelain Room – Chinese Export Porcelain” is an exhibition curated by Jorge Welsh and Luísa Vinhais that explores the historical context, the purpose and the impact of Chinese export porcelain. Presented on the 4th floor of the Tower in the Milan office, the exhibition takes place from January 30th to September 28th 2020 (press preview January 29th).
“The Porcelain Room” brings together examples of porcelains made between the 16th and 19th centuries for various markets, social and religious groups. The project demonstrates the efficiency of Chinese manufacturers in intercepting the demands and sensitivities of each individual market segment, adapting their activities to different needs. Although Chinese ceramics are known outside of China already during the Tang dynasty (618-907) and reached Europe in the early 14th century, the export of porcelain increased considerably reaching every region of the world only after the opening of the sea routes eastward by the Portuguese in 1513. During the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) the export market became more and more flourishing, initially with the trade of celadon and blue enamel porcelain. When Europeans start exchanging and commissioning porcelain to import them into the West, they become the first commodity sold globally.
The exhibition brings together more than 1,700 Chinese porcelain for export, revealing its refined workmanship to a wider audience not only made up of experts. Divided into three sections, the layout is designed as a room in the room, a structure covered in brown velvet, which includes several display cases and an intimate space decorated in gold.
check also: Wes Anderson and Juman Malouf in the new project of Fondazione Prada
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