Spotlight on: Raquel Radiske


Spotlight on: Raquel Radiske


1) Which was the first picture that someone took of  you, the first model job you had,which were the first impression you had you saw it published ?

A Polaroid taken at home. My first job was for a hair salon magazine with my twin sister. My first impression when I saw it published was like ‘I’m proud of myself, but there’s still a lot of work to be done. So, let’s go!”

2)  Which is the first rule you’ve learnt working as a model?

To always be punctual.

3) How do you reconcile your life (studies, friends..) with your work ?

The Internet helps a lot and I also try to keep myself informed with the news, reading books and specially talking to the people about experiences and cultures from each place. Specially when we are waiting for the castings, having makeup done or between flight conexions!

4) What is your relationship with fashion? You have your own style, you like to play with clothes and fashion?

I really like fashion, because it’s a way to show a little bit more about yourself. I play a lot with clothes, a like to mix a lot of stuff together. But my favorite piece it’s an old denim, a big black t-shirt, boots and a amazing jacket, specially if it’s BCBG’s! Love them clothes!

5) Your relationship with social, photos, instagram ..? You cannot live without it…or sometimes you prefer to be “off line”?

I use them a lot to speak with my friends and keep in touch with my family. If I’m offline my battery it’s probably dead or I have no internet!

6) What are your favorite hobbies ?

Chilling at home eating popcorn and traveling!

7) What’s the thing that people doesn’t know about working as a model?

We wait a lot seated in the floor for hours at castings, it’s not just glamour.

8)  The weirdest or funniest thing happened on a set?

The funniest thing happened in a underground, with my rommate at the time. 

9) What’s the thing you like the most about your job and what you don’t like ?

I hate to have to wait for so long to do the castings, but everything pays off when you’re on the runway and feel that everyone it’s paying attention to you.  

9) Modeling is also about waiting, waiting for you make up….how do you spend your “waiting time” ?

Talking, talking a lot with everyone! I can’t read with that many people talking around me, so I take this time to get to know everyone experiences! 

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