FONDAZIONE PRADA announces its main activities for 2024

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FONDAZIONE PRADA announces its main activities for 2024

Thanks to an always open discussion with artists, curators, scientists, scholars, directors and intellectuals, Fondazione Prada wants to address an international and plural audience.

Fondazione Prada announces the main activities for 2024 for the three permanent headquarters in Milan and Venice and in the outdoor spaces of Shanghai and Tokyo.

Thanks to an always open discussion with artists, curators, scientists, scholars, directors and intellectuals, Fondazione Prada wants to address an international and plural audience. The commitment focuses on the search for new and attractive ways to investigate the complexity of human culture beyond the boundaries of individual disciplines. In 2024, the exhibition projects of the artists Meriem Bennani, Michaël Borremans, Christoph Büchel, Miranda July and Pino Pascali and the new “Human Brains” initiative dedicated to neuroscience will be presented, in addition to the Godard Cinema proposal and activities in the educational field.

As Miuccia Prada, President and Director of the Foundation, underlines, “also in the months to come our institution will try to address current issues from multiple perspectives, involving artists of different generations and from heterogeneous contexts, to identify tools that question current opinions and help us think more deeply.”

In the educational field, the free activities of the Children’s Academy resume with thematic weekend workshops. Running from 3 February to 7 April 2024, the new “Dreams” cycle is created by the artist and photographer Ilaria Turba. Until next June the Academy will also extend its activities to primary and nursery schools. Every Wednesday, classes in the city area participate free of charge in workshops conceived by different “masters” from time to time: architects, pedagogues, artists, scientists, directors and musicians.

The winner of the seventh edition of the Graduation Award will be announced in June. Established by the Foundation in 2018, this annual initiative is a recognition of the passion and commitment of students who have discussed a degree thesis relating to cultural issues in Milanese universities: University of Milan, Polytechnic of Milan, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Bocconi University, IULM Free University of Languages and Communication of Milan and Vita-Salute San Raffaele University.

Fondazione Prada–2024 Program

  • Miranda July: New Society
    Osservatorio Fondazione Prada, Milan
    7 March–14October 2024
  • Michaël Borremans: The Promise
    Prada Rong Zhai, Shanghai
    22 March–14 May 2024
  • Pino Pascali
    Fondazione Prada,Milan
    28 March–23 September 2024
  • Miranda July
    Prada Aoyama,Tokyo
    April–July 2024
  • Christoph Büchel:Monte di Pietà
    Fondazione Prada,Venice
    20 April–24 November 2024
  • HumanBrains: Scientific Conference
    Fondazione Prada,Milan
    17–18 October 2024
  • Human Brains: Exhibition
    Fondazione Prada, Milan
    15 October 2024–7 April 2025
  • Meriem Bennani
    Fondazione Prada, Milan
    31October 2024–24 February 2025



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