Fondazione Prada | Experimental Music


Fondazione Prada | Experimental Music

Fondazione Prada expands its research in the realm of contemporary and experimental music with two new initiatives in Venice and Milan.

On Wednesday, 15 November 2023, as part of the Festival Luigi Nono alla Giudecca, Fondazione Prada will host in its Venice venue a concert featuring music by Luigi Nono and a panel discussion “Suono, rumore, ascolto. Dialogo sull’inquinamento acustico e la tecnologia” (“Sound, Noise, Listen. A Dialogue on Acoustic Pollution and Technology”) with Massimo Cacciari, Alvise Vidolin and Cristina Baldacci.
On Thursday, 14 December 2023, Threes and Fondazione Prada will present a performance by Japanese artist and composer FUJI|||||||||||TA at Chiesa di Santa Maria Annunciata in Chiesa Rossa in Milan.

This receptiveness to musical perspectives is part of an intellectual investigation based on the hybridization of the disciplines that Fondazione Prada is carrying out through different activities, with the aim of amplifying knowledge and testing new learning tools, beyond the visual arts. An important landmark in this journey is represented by the collaboration for three editions of “Riccardo Muti Italian Opera Academy”, an educational project for young conductors and répétiteurs. From 18 to 29 November 2023, Fondazione Prada in Milan opens its doors to the public, who will have the opportunity to attend a series of lessons and rehearsals of Norma, conducted by Maestro Riccardo Muti, leading to his concert.

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