RCGD Global Framework & Sustainable Style Guide


RCGD Global Framework & Sustainable Style Guide

A free resource and interactive guide to encourage and help citizens make more conscious choices on the red carpet and beyond.

The RCGD Global Framework & Sustainable Style Guide’, a free resource and interactive guide to encourage and help citizens make more conscious choices on the red carpet and beyond. The comprehensive guide delivers an insightful, informative and accessible glimpse into the many ways the global apparel industry, from citizens and stylists to brands and communities, can participate on the red carpet and beyond. The women-led organisation founded by Suzy Amis Cameron, known for its ‘From Moment to Movement’ slogan, empowers readers to find and decide which sustainability values they want to wear and why.

“With this guide we really sought to consolidate our deep knowledge and shed insight. The conversation about sustainable dressing on the red carpet too often falls on only one or two areas, vintage and rewearing, or sustainable textiles. And whilst these are incredible ways to participate, there is a world of more out there. This is just a glimpse into what is possible. We also recognise that there is no fully sustainable solution – for every suggestion, there is a counter effect or belief that can be offered – and many solutions are still yet to be found. Still, as we say in the guide, we believe in effort over idleness, and steps over leaps. This guide gives an overview of some of the many ways that you can make a more sustainable choice, and find your belonging in a conversation that can too often seem inaccessible and ‘not for you’. Whether the red carpet or not, we all have special moments in our lives and this guide can help. Plus, what you find in here is applicable across all apparel choices, not just red carpet ones!” – Samata Pattinson, CEO – RCGD Global

Greening the Red Carpet: The RCGD Global Framework & Sustainable Style Guide is divided into fourteen sections, each explaining a plethora of sustainability issues in the fashion industry, whilst providing readers with solutions for their own apparel choices. Designed by Co: Brand Creatives, a collective of design professionals, to be as helpful as possible, the guide provides tangible ways to making a difference, no matter how small, alongside key criteria to look for when selecting a garment.

“We created this guide for RCGD Global nearly a year on from designing the RCGD Global logo rebrand. RCGD Global wanted to communicate that there were so many ways to participate and have social and environmental impact, so we designed to encapsulate key messages and convey bite-size and usable tips to help engage a wider, diverse audience. Looking through the brand’s heritage showed that a future-facing and positive vision, a desire for accessibility to get as many people to participate in the dialogue as possible and to know why they should and how they could! The result was an inspirational digital guide that successfully illustrated the purposeful information being shared for individuals, their own business, and for wider society. We are now working with RCGD Global to develop creative activations that demonstrate their commitment to being a Purpose-led brand.” – Anu Dhesi, Founder & CEO Co: Brand Creatives

Topics covered include traditional and innovative textiles, sustainable dye practices, inclusivity and representation, cultural appreciation and appropriation, labour rights, circularity choices, sustainable styling, the role of stylists, end of life choices and value-driven sustainability. To wrap up, the guide holistically urges citizens, creatives and the industry as a whole to support the introduction of legislation for socially responsible and environmentally conscious policies in their country and to be savvier when selecting apparel.

As the guide concludes, ‘There is no perfect solution, but you can choose to be more sustainable by exploring your values and looking for ways to demonstrate them with your sustainable fashion choices. Wear garments representing intrinsic values that align with your own. Step off the fast fashion train and slow down; shop with intention and buy for keeps. Believe in your ability to have an impact! Sustainable fashion is a layered concept of many things; organic, ethical or innovative textiles, toxin-free colours, diversity, inclusion and representation, labour rights, quality, longevity, certifications and more. With thoughtful consideration, you can consider these concepts and allow them to influence what you wear on the red carpet.’’


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