FONDATION D’ENTREPRISE HERMES | a solo show by Lionel Sabatté

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FONDATION D’ENTREPRISE HERMES | a solo show by Lionel Sabatté

FONDATION D'ENTREPRISE HERMES | LIONEL SABATTE - La Grande Place, musée du cristal Saint-Louis – 26 octobre 2022 – 02 avril 2023

The Fondation d’entreprise Hermès continues its programme of exhibitions at La Grande Place (Lorraine, eastern France) with a solo show by Lionel Sabatté. The exhibition is curated by the regional art centre Vent des Forêts, which will partner the Foundation until 2023.

“Lionel Sabatté’s new exhibition ‘La Ruche’ takes the form of an itinerary specially devised for La Grande Place, Musée du Cristal Saint-Louis, based on the artist’s observation of the choreographed gestures of artisans at work on the foundry floor, and materials collected in situ.

Each piece evokes the natural world: minerals, which are central to the making and working of fine crystal, but also and especially the plant kingdom and bees, with the hive as a fitting metaphor for the tireless activity of the Manufacture de Saint-Louis. Sabatté’s work explores the living world and the transformation of raw materials – dust, ashes, charcoal, dead skins or tree roots. Collected over a period of years, each bears the marks of lived experience, combined in unexpected ways to create works of disquieting delicacy and strangeness, forming a hybrid bestiary of creatures from the ocean depths, oxidised insects, bears, wolves and more.

Sabatté’s practice embraces painting, drawing and sculpture to forge an ensemble of interconnected works, in continuous dialogue. His exploration of the mineral and animal kingdoms engenders poetic, sensitive, often troubling pieces as part of a wider meditation on the human condition and our place in this world.” Pascal Yonet, director, Vent des Forêts

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