Riccardo Muti Italian Opera Academy with Fondazione Prada


Riccardo Muti Italian Opera Academy with Fondazione Prada

The seventh edition of “Riccardo Muti Italian Opera Academy”, organized for the first time in collaboration with Fondazione Prada, takes place in Milan from 4 to 15 December 2021.

The seventh edition of “Riccardo Muti Italian Opera Academy”, organized for the first time in collaboration with Fondazione Prada, takes place in Milan from 4 to 15 December 2021. The public can take part to the whole rehearsal process and concerts that is focused on Nabucco, conducted by Maestro Riccardo Muti.

The wide and adaptable spaces of Deposito within Fondazione Prada’s venue welcome Riccardo Muti, who conducts the Orchestra Giovanile Luigi Cherubini and undertakes a training project addressed to young conductors and répétiteurs from all over the world. Among hundreds of applications arrived through an international open call, participants are selected by an examining board chaired by Maestro Muti. Candidates are required to have an age between 18 and 35 years and to be graduated in Conducting or Piano, in Italy or abroad. The selected young conductors are: Giuseppe Famularo (Italy), Henry Kennedy (UK), Elinor Rufeizen (Israel), Cristian Spătaru (Romania) and Sījié Wu (Taiwan). The selected young répétiteurs are: Raffaella Angelastri, Giacomo Anglani, Filippo Bittasi, Linda Piana and Cecilia Pronzato.

The project consists of rehearsals with singers, readings, orchestra rehearsals and the final performance of Giuseppe Verdi’s Nabucco as a concert. The public can attend the rehearsals that take place from 5 to 11 December and the final concerts on 14 and 15 December. Riccardo Muti conducts the first concert and he presents the second one which will be conducted by young conductors. Tickets are available on Fondazione Prada website.

The focus on musical education of young generations has always been a key aspect in Muti’s artistic activity. Through the Italian Opera Academy established in 2015, he intends to transfer to young musicians what he learned from great masters, along an ideal line that connects him to Giuseppe Verdi through Arturo Toscanini and his teacher Antonino Votto. Riccardo Muti will work on Nabucco at the piano, from the podium and with the orchestra in close contact with talented young musicians personally selected by him. The secrets of musical construction are passed on from Maestro to the students in a natural symbiosis leading them together to the final goal of interpretation. Some participants of the six previous editions of the Academy have conducted the Orchestra Luigi Cherubini and currently work with some of the most prestigious international orchestras.

The collaboration with Riccardo Muti and his Academy allows Fondazione to expand its activities by taking an interest in classical music, after having presented a project that explored electronic music and other music genres between 2018 and 2019. It also represents the opportunity to strengthen a dialogue with young artists engaged in an intense experience of learning and research. Thanks to this initiative, Fondazione Prada aims to develop an even more incisive role towards young generations in the belief that study is one of the most effective tools for artistic and personal growth.


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