Interview: Athena Zelcovich


Interview: Athena Zelcovich


Meet with Athena. You will see her many places soon. Athena is beautiful, smart and so talented. We talked with her about her career in TV, modeling and women rights. 

How were you discovered? 

I started modeling for the first time when I was a baby, my parents send me to an agency specialized for kids called « Frimousse ». So I started to do castings and to be featured in advertising campaigns and magazines, but as I kid, I didn’t really enjoy that at that time because I didn’t really get the point of doing pictures. 
I stopped for a while during teens. I start again around 21, a friend of mine introduced me to modeling agencies, but I’m not super tall so I never did real fashion and runway but I did editorials, magazines, advertising campaigns, showrooms and beauty jobs.

Which supermodels did you look up to when you first started your modeling career? 

The I’m kind of old school and I always admired real woman who define strength and beauty at the same time. Such as Linda Evangelista, Kate Moss, Cindy Crawford and Gisele Bundchen. I also remember that I was really fascinated by the Brazilian top model Adriana Lima. These women are not only beautiful but they are also really very confident which is really sexy, I think.

When do you feel the most confident and glamorous?

Well that’s a tough question, I really feel confident when I feel that I’m surrounded by people who love me for who I am.

An unforgettable shoot that you’ve been on? Worst or best…

I had so many crazy experiences, but there is one I remember, it was few years ago in the desert I shot on wild horses with nomads from the Atlas desert. It was amazing because I felt like I was alone and free with these amazing animals!
Being an actress and a model… How do you manage a balance between two jobs? Do you think that are they similar for you?
Well I do modeling very rarely now, except if I know the clients very well for years or if the projects is interesting. But for now I’m really focusing on my acting career which take most of my time, it’s not really similar with modeling but they are both image jobs, but for actors you don’t need to give everything in your physical appearance, but now it’s great that to be a model you need  to have a great personality, otherwise you don’t last in time. But for actors we need to see everything, people wanna see a real human being in front of camera, without tricks.


You played a fearless woman, Jenny, in French TV show Plus Belle La Vie. How can you describe that experience so far? Do you have similarities with this character in your real life? 

(Laughing) I like Jenny, she is so different from me but i like her, cause she seems fearless and strong but at the same time she has weakness in her. She had a very hard life and always had to take care of herself at very young age. I really love to play this character because she is really far from me, she has no fears and I have a lot. Thats why is really interesting to play a character who is the opposite of yourself, I have to go deeper in my soul to play. I’m really happy cause in January Jenny is back after a year break. I can’t wait to discover what she prepares. (Laughing) 

Are we going to see you in a movie soon? What about your future projects?

Yes sure but it’s a secret for now .. I will do a new interview to tell you that (Laughing) 

We know that you’re interesting in to women rights. Can you share your personal icons of empowered women and what sets them apart in your view?

I’m really into women rights, I wont say that im feminist cause it seems obvious that everybody should be concerned about women rights and equality. But I really admire these men and women who fight for equality in this world, we have to be united. I’m so shocked when I see that in 2018 (soon 2019) we still have to struggle to be free. To be free means to be who we are, whatever your religion, sexuality. Simon Weil is an icon for me but also so many celebrities who can use their voices to change the world, Adwoa Aboah, Jessica Chastain, Ellen Page, Cara Delevingne and so many more…
All the women have the power to say NO, to use theirs voices to speak loud! 
I really admire these men and women who fight for equality in this world, we have to be united!

Name three things on your bucket list?

I would say :
Go around the world
Being part of a movie who will change history
Bring joy and happiness to all the people I love.

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