Maternity fashion is the new trend of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia


Maternity fashion is the new trend of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia


This year, a social campaign 09.To the Birth of Fashion took place during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia in collaboration with Russia’s Ministry of Health. The point of the campaign was to show that baby expecting is a joyful but difficult period for any woman, when she wants to be stylish, modern, and elegant – and she can.
Materinty fashion is a special category of clothing, and to create it designers need to understand women’s anatomic and psychological features. 09.To the Birth of Fashion has proven that Russian designers know how to make perfect silhouettes for expectant women.

“What makes women beautiful and makes them smile at their reflection? Stylish and trendy clothes that Russian designers have presented today. Expecting a baby is one of the most important periods in every woman’s life. During MBFW Russia, we’ve seen that these two things can provide a perfect combination, making moms-to-be endlessly trendy and pretty,”  Oleg Salagay,

Deputy Minister for Health in the Russian Federation. The project was participated by 12 designers who created unique looks for moms-to-be.

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