Interview with pro surfer Bruna Schmitz

Interview with pro surfer Bruna Schmitz


Interview with pro surfer Bruna Schmitz by Alberto Gange

photo credits: Roxy 

What do you like most about surfing compared to other sports?

I love the unpredictability, you never know how a surf session will turn out.

How, where and why did you start practicing this sport?

I started back in my home town in Brazil. I always loved going to the beach since I was little, so my brother sign me up for a summer surf school and I fell in love.

What is your connection with nature? What do you think of the state of the environment today?

I love being surrounded by nature, that’s definitely an awesome aspect of surfing, and I hope we can cultivate and keep it the way it is. It’s scary how fast nature is being destroyed and trash is being spread all over, the ocean is a dumpster and its terrifying, but I believe nature will always win, if its between us and nature we lose always.

What is your ideal “spot” for surfing and why its so special?

I love islands, I love the tropics and warm water, and that’s where the best waves are in my opinion. So anywhere in Hawaii, Fiji, or Indonesia is a great trip.

If you had to persuade someone with three words to surf, what would you say?

Peaceful, great workout, best feeling.

What is your relation with fashion? You have your own style, you like to play with clothes and fashion?

I love fashion. I’m not a fashion guru, but it interests me, it’s something I’ve always liked and I definitely put some effort on my outfits (laughs).

How is your relation with social media, photos, Instagram..? You cannot live without it…or sometimes you prefer to be “off line”?

I honestly wish I could live without it, but it became a huge part of my life and everyone around me, so it’s hard to avoid, but I don’t always love it.

If you had to give away your favorite board, whom would you like to donate?

To a kid. I remember being a kid once and it would be a really good feeling to make a child happy.

The last question, perhaps a little ironic: ZOE means “life” in Greek… what would it be your ideal place to live?

Where I’m now. I’m originally from Brazil but currently live in California. Initially, I didn’t see myself being here for to long, but today I’m happy to say that I’m exactly where I should be.