Burberry reveals elements from its first “Straight-to-consumer” collection

Burberry reveals elements from its first “Straight-to-consumer” collection


Burberry reveals elements from its first “Straight-to-consumer” collection

Burberry rivela i primi elementi della nuova collezione che per la prima volta vedrà sfilare a Londra in Settembre uomo e donna insieme. Grande spazio è dato agli artigiani inglesi che hanno un spazio anche nella campagna appena realizzata da Mario Testino con degli splendidi ritratti di Jean Campbell, Cavan McCarthy e Alex Dragulele. Gli scatti sono ispirati all’Orlando di  Virginia Woolf, “che esprime come il mondo di Burberry – una dichiarazione di amore verso il passato ma anche un grande impegno indirizzato verso la modernità” sottolinea lo stesso Christopher Bailey Burberry Chief Creative and Chief Executive Officer

Burberry reveals the first elements of the new collection that will parade for the first time in London in September man and woman together . Large space is given to the English artisans who have a space even in the shooting just made ​​by Mario Testino with the beautiful portraits of Jean Campbell , Cavan McCarthy and Alex Dragulele . The shots reflect the collction inspired by Virginia Woolf’s Orlando. “Just as Virginia Woolf’s Orlando is both a love-letter to the past and a work of profound modernity, this week-long exhibition aims to nod both to the design heritage that is so integral to Burberry’s identity, and to some of Britain’s most exciting creators, and the innovation and inspiration behind their work.” underlines the same Christopher Bailey Burberry Chief Creative and Chief Executive Officer


Burberry Campaign, September 2016_001 Burberry Campaign, September 2016_002

credits images: Copyright Burberry/Testino