Spotlight on Gracie Carvalho

Spotlight on Gracie Carvalho


Spotlight on Gracie Carvalho

Which was the first picture that someone took of you, the first model job you had,which were the first impression you had you saw it published ?

It was in a Photoshoot almost ten years ago. I was really proud of myself when i saw it!

Which is the first rule you’ve learnt working as a model ?

The first rule was never bring a parent to the set. Now I understand that is your work and you must to be 100% concentrated and focused!

How do you reconcile your life (studies, friends..) with your work ?

As a *model* i’m lucky to have a very flexible schedule so it’s not that difficult… When I’m not working in NY I’m always fly to Brazil and try to recharge my energy by the side of my family and dogs!

What is your relationship with fashion? You have your own style, you like to play with clothes and fashion?

Now I definitely like more fashion then before. I love to dress my sisters and give my opinion about their outfits. But when it comes to myself I’m very minimal, I’m very basic but still I like to be chic but not overdressed, never !

Your relationship with social, photos, instagram ..? You cannot live without it…or sometimes you prefer to be “off line”?

I really like the social media, especially because it’s really important and part of our job these days. I’ve seen clients that really uses Instagram to do their casting and check what people would like to see and what models are doing. It’s a very usefull tool, but i kind of get overloaded with it sometimes and i like to disconect.

What are your favorite hobbies ?

I’m a Muay Thai addict! I’ve been to Thailand to get to know more about the martial art and i try to practice everyday when i have the chance.

What’s the thing that people doesn’t know about working as a model ?

They don’t know that we work a lot – like seriously! Normally when we working on location we wake up 5 in the morning to start hair and make up. Then we work all day, sometimes under a burning sun, somentimes it’s freeezig cold and you have to wear a bikini! haha

It’s a hard work  it’s not a easy life, but we have to be very patient. At the end of the day I think about it and I’m blessed to have the life and career i choose for myself!

The weirdest or funniest thing happened on a set ?

The funniest one was: I was at the beach and the photographer Russel James told me that it was the last pictures of the day so we were going to have this shoot where you going to walk into the water ( wich was soooo cold ). He told me to go towards the water and don’t look back, just keep going !

I kept going and I was almost sinking lol when I looked back everyone had disappear!! lol Everyone at the beach was clapping their hands and laughing at me hahah I’ll never forget that … I was so mad but it was kind funny!

What’s the thing you like the most about your job and what you don’t like ?

I like to get the change to go to the most amazing resorts and beaches in the world and to meet amazing people. What I hate is that sometimes you have to deal with unhappy people… I really hate bad vibes – but it happens in every profession and you have to go along! Also i hate airport lines! :/

Modeling is also about waiting, waiting for you make up….how do you spend your “waiting time” ?

If there’s someone nice next to me, I like to talk and spend all my time exchanging life experiences through conversation… But sometimes I like to listen to my music “r&b” or I check the social media!