A parisian photographer to follow : Anthony Marco

A parisian photographer to follow : Anthony Marco


A parisian photographer to follow : Anthony Marco


Native of Bordeaux in France, Anthony has a foreign language degree, in Chinese. Then, passionate of trips, he left six months in China, mainly in Beijing and Hong Kong and after, in Tahiti for 2 months. Salsa dance enthusiast, he taught it for years.

Four years ago, his life took a new turn with photography in Paris. Meetings, talent and ambition, Anthony has become one of the fortunate photographers invited to Paris Fashion Week shows. For two years, with street style, Anthony develops his creativity, shares his sensitivity through his lens by capturing stolen moments from the parisian streets. The streetstyle photos enable him to tell us stories of the clothes and of the person who wears them. It also allows him to observe modern and avant-garde styles, and to be at the heart of the novelties. You can follow him on Facebook, Instagram and on his blog Paris in my eyes.
Through his shots, Anthony tries to touch our sensations, our emotions ; his photos are for him like a movie, a show where we would be the spectators. He tries to make us share, beyond the object of the photo, a moment, an intimacy, a framing … What he likes in photography is emotion, simplicity, intimacy , delicacy…

When did you begin to do photos ? Have you always wanted to be a photographer ?
I like photography since I was little when some images have marked me in movies, ads …Before becoming areal photographer, I did’nt think I can do this job, I thank I wasn’t good enough.

Which is your first photo ? Where and when did you take it ?
When I took my first photos I was 10. I did a photo album the week spending in the Pyrenees with my class. During my childhood my family gave me a lot of advice about how taking photographies. For example, don’t take backlit pictures.

Who’s the photographer you admire the most and why ? Are his photos an inspiration for you ?
Many photographers inspire. There is not one bringing everything I love and search in a photo. I take a litlle bit of inspiration of each one.

But if I had to say only one, it would be Adam Katz Sinding who is for me the best one in streetstyle photographies. He inspires me but I do not try to copy him.

What are the fashion shows you have ever photographed ?
For 4 years, I have photographed about 250 fashion shows. Among others, I photograph regularly Dries Van Noten, Givenchy, or Chanel shows but I don’t go to every shows.

Which type of photos do you prefer and why ? Street style photos, fashion shows photos or party photos ?
I love the fashion shows backstage photos and also the Streetstyle ones. On the runway I don’t always feel free enough to take photos as I want.

The best thing in taking photos is the improvisation, is taking on live, playing with the models…

In streetstyle photos, I like the natural effect, the fact that it isn’t posed.

How do you feel when you take a photo ?
I don’t think too much when I take a picture, it’s more like a reflex, a feeling. I seize the right moment as soon as it presents itself. When I reflect on it I think I feel this moment in my breathing …

When I photograph a model, there is a kind of connection between us, a sort of harmony, vibe, confidence.

What is for you a successful and beautiful photo ?
It may be a lot of things : a moment, an angle, a light, lines, a framing, a sensation…


If you weren’t a photographe, which job you would like to do and why ?
I like teaching, talking to people, maybe being on stage. Perhaps I could be a comedian, haha.




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