Designer George Shaghashvili had recently joined Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Tbilisi

Designer George Shaghashvili had recently joined Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Tbilisi


Designer George Shaghashvili had recently joined Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Tbilisi


When and how you decided that you wanted to be a designer ?

I wanted to be a designer even when I was at school, from my early age I was inspired by idea of visual perfection. Then I changed my mind and started to study at medical university. After graduating medical university I finally understood that fashion design was my only wish and in 2008 I got my bachelor’s degree of design faculty in State Academy of arts. Then in 2010 I got masters degree in fashion design.

It was your dream job?

Yes! Absolutely, It was my dream job, job of my life.

Which is the first thing you designed and for who (yourself, a friend…)?

My first work was for myself and it was black shirt.

Who’s the designer you admire the most and why?

My favorite designer of all time is Yohji Yamamoto. I adore him cause he is the most interesting one for me. His creations are very close to me. It’s fascinating how he merges cuts of ancient Japanese national clothes with modern design.

Who’s your muse, your icon, when you create a dress?

It depends on my mood actually. In general I’m against to stereotypes and I want everyone to find out themselves in my dresses.

If you had to design an entire collection using just one color, which is the one you’d pick and why?


Who’s the first person you show your sketches to?

My wife.

The fabric you love the most…silk, lace, velvet and why?

I like all materials. It depends on theme of my collection, season and items.

If your clothes had a soundtrack, which songs you’d choose?

Rolling Stones – “Paint it Black”.

Do you have any trick to avoid that “blank page” moment when you’re at the beginning of the designing of a new collection? Do you watch a movie, flip an old magazine…

Everything can be an inspiration for me, but last time I choose travelling around the world it’s big challenge for me.

If you weren’t a designer which job in the fashion world you would like to do and why?

If not designer, then I would like to be catwalk director.