World through Antonio Ortega eyes

World through Antonio Ortega eyes


World through Antonio Ortega eyes


When and how you decided that you wanted to be a designer?

I was 8 years old playing with magazines and dolls… it was like a premonition.

It was your dream job?

My dream is accomplishment to be successful in my passion.

Which is the first thing you designed and for who?

 Dress for my hidden doll.

Who’s the designer you admire the most and why?

I have a few Yamamoto, Jean Charles de Castelbajac, Balenciaga…because of their inventive and original talent.

Who’s your muse, your icon, when you create a dress?

The person does not have a face, but a body and a big soul to wear Antonio Ortega style.

If you had to design an entire collection using just one color, which is the one you’d pick and why?

Into the blue, it has such a contemporary feeling, and huge extension in the universe and in the ocean.

Who’s the first person you show your sketches to?

The hardest one….it’s me.

The fabric you love the most…silk, lace, velvet and why?

Silk, it has soooo many personalities… it could be soft and rough.

If your clothes had a soundtrack, which songs you’d choose?


Do you have any trick to avoid that “blank page” moment when you’re at the beginning of the designing of a new collection? Do you watch a movie, flip an old magazine…

My favorite trick is to have an active life… go to the swimming pool, look at the movements, go to dance. I stay always in motion and observe everything around.

If you weren’t a designer which job in the fashion world you would like to do and why?   I probably would seek another passion, maybe a film producer, I could create my own world as well..