Born in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Saltanat Baimukhamedova grew in the heart of Central Asia. She founded her label Salta in 2008 where she successfully grew the brand in her native country before moving her label to Dubai as a challenge and totally new experience: becoming a Middle Eastern designer with a global vision. Salta’s ethos is simple: freedom and comfort with a touch of modern and ethnic creativity – a contemporary yet affordable design with cosmopolitan touches and flawless shapes that find its way into the wardrobes of successful, creative, feminine women across the world.
When and how you decided that you wanted to be a designer?
When it was time to go to university, I chose a totally different major. Only having studied for two years, I realized fashion design was what I really wanted to do. I found out that no brands in the local market reflect the aesthetics I wanted to see in clothes. I strive to express what was inside me. Throughout those years of study I had been surrounded by people (professors, friends and fellow students) who inspired me and made me believe I would succeed in the chosen field.
It was your dream job?
I would say that being a fashion designer is not a job, but rather a lifestyle for me. I wear the pieces that I design. I only make clothes that make me feel happy when I put them on (and I love absolutely all of them) and I hope my customers feel this vibe. Over these years, I evolved not only as a professional, but also as a person. And fashion designing helped me to become my better self, a stronger and much more confident woman for sure.
Which is the first thing you designed and for who (yourself,a friend…)?
Since my adolescent years, I have been making clothes for myself. I was the first model for my own creations.
Who’s the designer you admire the most and why?
Issey Miyake. He is forever. His pieces are timeless. This is a characteristic of a pure genius.
Who’s your muse, your icon, when you create a dress?
My muse changes from collection to collection. I look at the world around me with eyes wide open and love observing. This is vital for a profession, which has to do with visual aesthetics. I can be inspired by inanimate objects, not just by certain personalities.
If you had to design an entire collection using just one colour, which is the one you’d pick and why?
Black is the new black for me. It is never out of trend. It is an exclusion from all rules. The absolute of a colors.
Who’s the first person you show your sketches to?
To my team. They need to know what we are up to the coming season.
The fabric you love the most…silk, lace, velvet and why?
Linen. I use it in every summer collection that I make. I love it’ s flexibility, simplicity and nobility. This fabric is very humane, your body loves to be in linen. Let me quote John Fletcher: “Love is like linen. The often changed, the sweeter”.
If your clothes had a soundtrack, which songs you’d choose?
Love this question! I’ d definitely want sounds of nature. My collections are inspired by the proportions one can find in nature, by earthy hues, by the philosophy of being one true self. For example, the flowing dresses and trousers from my collection imitate the movement of water and wind. I would say that the melody of rain and trees swinging under the gasps of wind is what comes to my mind when I think of them. Think the soothing sound of surf, the chirping of birds in morning or cicads performing their eternal song in a sunny patio. My clothes are best worn when you feel happy. And if you don’ t they will make you feel like that.
Do you have any trick to avoid that “blank page” moment when you’re at the beginning of the designing of a new collection? Do you watch a movie, flip an old magazine…
Yes, I lock myself up in a room and dig in my ‘ memory files’. That’ s why it’s so important for me to travel and have new impressions. I store these memories to revisit them and get inspired. I need visual mementos, pictures that stay with me, to inspire my collections.
If you weren’t a designer which job in the fashion world you would like to do and why?
If I weren’t what I am, I would have opened a conceptual showroom with clothes by unknown yet talented fashion designers. I know I would find a great pleasure in it: make public discover the beauty people create.
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