Interview with the photographer Fabrizio Di Paolo

Interview with the photographer Fabrizio Di Paolo


Interview with the photographer Fabrizio Di Paolo

Fabrizio Di Paolo, freelance fashion and street photographer, collaborates with newspapers, men’s fashion magazine and world renowned bloggers. Today he is one of the most followed Italian photographers of this fashion area on Instagram.

When and how you decided that you wanted to be a photographer? 

I believe destiny decided for me. When I was a child I always had an attraction for  the camera. I still remember when at age of 3, running all over my house, taking pictures. Since then, things have not changed so much.

It was your dream job?

Absolutely yes. I consider myself a lucky person. Confucius said “Choose the job you love and you’ll never work, not even a day in your life”.

Which is the first thing you photographed?

My dog Bobby, I was 3 years old.

Who’s the photographer you admire the most and why?

The beauty of photography is that it gives you a way to take ideas and inspiration from anyone, no matter how famous. The list could be infinite but if I have to choose a name I would say Scott Schumann the one who is able to tell, through his camera, the largest fashion catwalk: everyday life.

When you take a photo, how do you live this moment. Can you detach yourself from reality?

I let myself be carried away by my instinct. When I shoot I enter a world of my own, where the photo that I will shoot it’s already etched in my mind. Everything is to capture precisely that moment.

Your job takes you often travel and visit many countries; What fascinates you more than an unfamiliar place? It can be an ideal location to make the shots?

I personally consider each new and unfamiliar place a great place to take pictures because there is always a story, a light, a color or an architecture that can inspire and stimulate my imagination.

Who’s the first person you have photographed?

The cornerstones of my life: my parents.

How did you feel on your first show? What a feeling you feel when someone appreciates and “reads” your photos?

On the day of my first show I was very happy and impressed by people’s appreciation of my work. Actually the thing I liked most was that everyone tried to “read” my pictures, everyone saw something different, different emotions coming up from my works. I thanked them telling that I would have appreciated every form of criticism because I’m convinced that it is a way of personal growth. Sometimes there is a single image whose compositional structure has such force and such a wealth and the contents of which radiates so much out of it that this single picture is a whole story in itself. I think he was referring to these Henri Cartier-Bresson when he said: Sometimes there is a single image whose compositional structure has such force and such a wealth and the contents of which radiates so much out of it that this single picture is a whole story in itself .

If your photos had a soundtrack, which songs you’d choose?

Green Day – Good Riddance (Time of your life)

If you weren’t a photographer which job you would like to do and why?

I think I would have been an architect, my life is a whole perspective.


*Follow Fabrizio on Instagram: