Rio Olympic Games for JR
Personally met ten years ago by our coofounder Alberto and our collaborator, the artist Pauline Nicks in Antwerp. Ee were certain that JR would became a global artist.We followed him from the beginning of its projects: from installations in the favelas to the project “woman Are Heroes ” and it ‘s been a long time. Today Jr for the second time draws up new horizons in landscape Rio Olympic Games 2016 choosing protagonists Athletes .
“80 years ago the Olympics happened in Berlin. Hitler wanted to use them to demonstrate the supremacy of the Aryan race. Today they will open in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a “mixed race” country (“país mestiço”). Even though Brazil is going through political and economic turmoil and the necessity of the Games at this moment can spark controversy, the Olympic spirit will joyfully be welcomed by the people tonight.” Jr writes on his instagram account.
In the pictures the artist JR engaged on work in progress on building a on top of Casa Amarela in Rio! The cultural house were he started 9 years ago on top of Favela Morro da Providencia. It will become a room for Artists in residence that will come to give classes there. Another piece in the center of Rio is the High jump performed by Mohamed YOUNES IDRISS, 27, from SUDAN that lives and trains in Cologne, Germany. “For an injury e missed out on qualification for the 2016 Rio Olympics but he is there some how :)” JR tells. Now the Artist JR works with a new technique . He uses an iron scaffolding that allows him to create a 3D effect with the buildings or the surrounding landscape. And the result is as always incredibly fascinating!!!
credits: JR Instagram
More on Snapchat : JRARTISTE
di Gioia Gange
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