Spotlight on Lika Rigvava

Spotlight on Lika Rigvava


Spotlight on Lika Rigvava

By Gioia Gange

Find out everything about a model’s life in this interview with model Lika Rigvava.

Which was the first picture that someone took of you, the first model job you had,which were the first impression you had you saw it published ?

My first shooting was for L’Officiel. It was a great experience for me and first big step in a fashion world. it catched me and I got addicted.

Which is the first rule you’ve learnt working as a model ?

The first and the main rule I learned was enjoing the moments and the job I am doing, Because I think if its not pleasure for you standing in front of camera and creating new life, new person it doesn’t look natural and its not remarkable.

How do you reconcile your life (studies, friends..) with your work ?

I don’t think about it, one doesn’t prevent another. There is always time for friends and education.

What is your relationship with fashion? You have your own style, you like to play with clothes and fashion?

I am obsessed with fashion in general and I want to do more than just modeling. I am planning to  take a part as a designer in it. I think style is very personal thing and it has nothing to do with fashion, you just have to find it in yourself.

Your relationship with social, photos, Instagram ..? You cannot live without it…or sometimes you prefer to be “off line”?

I use social network just for my job and rarely share personal stuff.

What are your favorite hobbies ?

I enjoy watching movies, reading, listening to music etc, but it’s something very essential for me and I don’t consider them as hobbies.

What’s the thing that people doesn’t know about working as a model ?

Being model isn’t easy and I think a lot of people don’t realise chalenges you at a very young age and its also stressfull.  For example, casting managers can be very rude and you aren’t ready for it psychologically. But, at a same time it is very exciting and creative process, it’s something that always keeps me moving.

The weirdest or funniest thing happened on a set ?

I don’t remember for this moment but there is always happening something werid or funny on a set.

What’s the thing you like the most about your job and what you don’t like ?

As I said modeling is very stressful, but I am getting a lot of experince and it helps me to be more self-confidnet

Modeling is also about waiting, waiting for you make up….how do you spend your “waiting time” ?

Listening to music or reading, that’s the best way to keep me in a  shape before shooting