Goossens has moved into a new boutique in Paris

Goossens has moved into a new boutique in Paris


Goossens has moved into a new boutique in Paris    Italiano-Inglese-New11

A partire dal 28 Giugno 2016, la boutique Goossens è al 416, rue Saint-Honoré nell’8°arrondissement di Parigi. Uno spazio interamente dedicato alle collezioni di gioielleria del brand. Tutte le creazioni sono realizzate sotto la direzione artistica di Patrick Goossens.

Since the 28th of June, 2016, the Goossens boutique is located at 416, rue Saint-Honoré in the 8th arrondissement of Paris. An area of 30 square meters (over 300 sq ft), entirely dedicated to the jewelry collections of the House, established in 1950.

These creations are now all under the artistic responsibility of Patrick Goossens, and are derived from a unique know-how and bold variations between the goldsmith’s art and the art of jewelry. The fruits of this artistry are cuffs, rings, necklaces, brooches and earrings, invariably following the rhythmic pace of bronze illuminated with rock crystal, the House’s fetish stone, but also with citrine, garnet, amethyst, peridot and turquoise.

Everywhere you turn your eyes will come to rest on jewelry boxes that are actually mini-showcases made of glass and brass. A few decorative items enhance this space with its contrasting industrial style between a stone wall, a brown oak parquet flooring and a red-brown lacquered wall panel. The perfect new setting to let the Goossens spirit shine.