Summertime Sunnies

Summertime Sunnies


Summertime Sunnies     Italiano-Inglese-New11

Tempo di Vacanza tra la Costa azzurra e la riviera Ligure. Ogni star nasconde il suo volto al sole e ai paparazzi. Ogni volto rivela una storia e disegna una forma nello sguardo….Tre Dive e tre modi di essere come le tre anime dei nuovi Sunglasses Saint Laurent SS2016 differenti in shapes e mood.

Vacation time between the Côte d’Azur and the Italian Riviera. Each star hides her face to the sun and the paparazzi. Every face reveals a story and draw a shape in their gaze …. Three “Divas” and three ways to be as the three souls of the new Saint Laurent Sunglasses SS2016 with different shapes and moods.

Summertime Sunnies Snaps_elsa martinelli

New wave sunglasses in acetate Saint Laurent , 270 euros
In the picture: Elsa Martinelli


Summertime Sunnies Snaps_margot hemingwayCalifornia sunglasses in acetate Saint Laurent, 250
In the picture: Margot Hemingway


Summertime Sunnies Snaps_anna karinaNew wave Devon sunglasses in acetate Saint Laurent, 290 euros
In the picture: Anna Karina