Trussardi’s Sky Watcher


Trussardi’s Sky Watcher


Per celebrare il 40° anniversario del suo famoso logo col Levriero, Trussardi ha collaborato con l’illustratore giapponese Yuko Shimizu e il regista e maestro degli effetti speciali James Lima per la realizzazione di “Sky Watcher”, un corto di animazione ambientato a Milano. A supervisionare la colonna sonora il musicista e produttore britannico Steve Mackey (ex membro della cult band Pulp)

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of its signature Greyhound logo, Trussardi has teamed up with Japanese illustrator Yuko Shimizu and Director and visual effects master James Lima to produce Sky Watcher,a short animated film set around Milan. Supervising the music was British musician and record producer Steve Mackey, former member of the cult britpop band Pulp.

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