Inside Chanel 14: The Vocabulary of Fashion
Chanel è un vocabolario, una serie di canoni, una disciplina…una grammatica.
Nel capitolo 14 di “Inside Chanel” svela il “Vocabolario della moda” attraverso la storia, i simboli e i codici di Gabrielle Chanel e come viene continuamente reinventato da Karl Lagerfeld. Gabrielle Chanel inventa un nuovo linguaggio della moda e uno stile che non smette mai perpetuare se stesso grazie al lavoro creativo di Karl Lagerfeld.
Chanel is a vocabulary, a set of canons, a discipline. A grammar.
In Chapter 14 of Inside Chanel, unveil “The Vocabulary of Fashion” through the history, symbols, and codes of Gabrielle Chanel, and how it’s continuously reinvented by Karl Lagerfeld. Gabrielle Chanel set in place a new language of fashion, and a style that never ceases to perpetuate itself thanks to Karl Lagerfeld.
The quilted handbag inspired by men’s satchels, the little black dress, costume jewelry, the camellia, the chain, the two-tone shoe, the pearl and tweed are all integral elements of the Chanel vocabulary.
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