In egyptian mood: Loewe FW 2016

In egyptian mood: Loewe FW 2016


di Gioia Gange

In egyptian mood: Loewe FW 2016    Italiano-Inglese-New11

Maschera felina non poteva che suggerirci l’Egitto soprattutto se unita al blu Nilo e all’effetto mummy. JW Anderson in Loewe regala l’effetto new-archeologico alla FW 2016 e gli abiti sono perfettamente attuali .

A feline mask makes you instantly think about Egypt World,  especially if combined with the Blue Nile and the mummy effect . JW Anderson for Loewe gives the “new- archaeological effect” at the FW 2016 but the clothes are perfect to wear today .

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