Perret Schaad’s FW 2016/17 at BFW

Perret Schaad’s FW 2016/17 at BFW


Perret Schaad’s FW 2016/17 at BFW  Italiano-Inglese-New11

La presentazione della collezione Perret Schaad’s Autumn/Winter 2016/17 continua la tradizione del marchio di sfilare in posti inconsueti: la sfilata infatti (Berlin Fashion Week) è stata organizzata da Hellweg Hardware (un enorme negozio di bricolage) fra corridoi pieni di materiali di legno e attrezzi di ogni genere.

Questa stagione propone una collezione che cerca di catturare i cambiamenti continui di un autunno urbano, fluttuando fra calore e stile. Riflessi dal paesaggio urbano in contrasto, la palette mescola grigi profondi, colori più caldi e freddi pastello. Transizioni fluide definiscono un sottile ed elegante look, evidenziati da accenti metallici e arancio forti e decisi, riecheggiano le facciate dei palazzi cittadini.

The presentation of Perret Schaad’s Autumn/Winter 2016/17 collection in the course of Berlin Fashion week continued the Labels’ tradition of unexpected venues: the show was held in a Hellweg hardware store, set against wooden boards and building supplies, a most uncommon setting for the presentation of a high end designer’s collection. It was an event worthy of consideration as a highlight of this season’s schedule.

Perret Schaad collaborated with Unützer and designed a shoe line with exclusive colours for this collection.

This season’s offerings capture the changing moods of an urban autumn, fluctuating between warmth and style. Reflecting the contrasting cityscape, the collection’s palette mixes heavy greys, rich tones and cool pastels. Fluid transitions define a subtle yet elegant look, highlighted by metallic accents and strong oranges, echoing the modern facades of the city.