Interview with the designer of Ot Kutyr Atulier

Interview with the designer of Ot Kutyr Atulier


Interview with the designer of Ot Kutyr Atulier

Ot Kutyr Atulier is one of the the 6 brands participating in “J Autumn 2015” fashion show (organized by Jessica Minh Anh) which will take place on the 29th of October 2015 on the Seine river in Paris. This is our exclusive Q&A with Ot Kutyr Atulier.

When did you decide that you wanted to be a designer?

At the age of 13. I used to glue things together.

What is the first thing you designed and for who (yourself,a friend…)?

A sartorial jacket, i designed it for myself.

Who inspires you the most?

A combination of francis bacons proportions, louise bourgeois craftsmanship and yohjis techniques. Amongst a few.

Who’s your muse, your icon, when you create a dress?

Pina Bausch and Martha graham. I imagine them dancing in what im creating.

If you had to design an entire collection using just one color, which is the one you’d pick?

Black of course.

Who’s the first person you show your sketches to?

My friend basma.

The fabric you love the most…silk, lace, velvet?

Silk organza.

If you weren’t a designer which job in the fashion world you would like to do?

Art direction.