Interview with the designer of 5.8.0

Interview with the designer of 5.8.0


Interview with the designer of 5.8.0 (Hong Kong)

5.8.0. is one of the the 6 brands participating in “J Autumn 2015” fashion show (organized by Jessica Minh Anh) which will take place on the 29th of October 2015 on the Seine river in Paris. This is our exclusive Q&A with 5.8.0.

When and how you decided that you wanted to be a designer?

I always have a thing of daydreaming, guess i want to be a designer since i was a kid. I am not a very artistic person, but i like the pattern of creation.

Which is the first thing you designed and for who (yourself,a friend…)?

A costume for a halloween party when i was 13.

Who’s the designer you admire the most and why?

There are too many to name. I would say the nature.

Who’s your muse, your icon, when you create a dress?

When i was younger, i was big fans of Michael Jackson and Kate Moss. Recent year, my hipster friends i get along with in Australia become my muse.

If you had to design an entire collection using just one color, which is the one you’d pick and why?

Creamy white for sure.

Who’s the first person you show your sketches to?

My lecturer!

The fabric you love the most…silk, lace, velvet and why?

Linen and cotton, they are my forever favorite.

If you weren’t a designer which job in the fashion world you would like to do and why?

If i wasn’t a designer, i guess i would not be in the fashion field, maybe i will be a travel photographer. i have already been to more then 35 countries with my film camera. Travelling is one of the ways that feed my inspiration.