Italian Summer Wedding #2

Italian Summer Wedding #2


Italian Summer Wedding #2    Italiano-Inglese-New11

Tra le storie d’amore sicuramente quella tra Michael Graham e Patsy Daszel è una delle più romantiche. Lei signora dell’alta società americana nasconde in un diario il ritaglio di giornale in cui legge di Michael Graham l’unico soldato superstite di un disastro aereo in Africa e se ne innamora. I due si incontrano a Pelicant Point in California e nei ’60 approdano a Porto d’Ercole dove costruiscono una villa leggendaria. La dimora diventa il resort Il Pellicano e l’aria delle feste dei primi ’70 si respira ancora nel lusso mai ostentato della struttura. Sposarsi nell’Argentario scelta la location richiede ora altri piccoli suggerimenti.

Partiamo dall’abito: citando Bianca Jagger tradotta nell’ispirazione wedding di Lagerfeld per la Haute Couture FW 15 di Chanel, passiamo per le scarpe, stiletto a punta di Jimmy Choo. E l’anello? Piaget corona il sogno d’amore in diamanti e zaffiro.

Talking about love romances  we cannot help but talking about the one between Michael and Patsy Daszel Graham…cause well…it is one of the most romantic. She was a lady coming from high society, she has hidden in a diary the newspaper clipping about Michael Graham, he was the only soldier survivor of a plane crash in Africa and falls in love with him. The two meet in Pelicant Point in California and in the 60s arrive in Porto Ercole where they build a legendary manson. Their home becomes the resort Il Pellicano and you can still feel the atmosphere of the parties of the early 70s, there’s luxury but it never gets over exposed ostentatious. Getting married in Argentario is wonderful but take notes of our style suggestions and you won’t regret it.

Let’s start with the dress: a little Bianca Jagger inspiration with the wedding theme signed by Lagerfeld for Chanel Haute Couture FW 15, then the shoes: stiletto pointy Jimmy Choo. And the ring? Piaget crown your dream of love in diamonds and sapphire.

Summer wedding DUE