Which was the first picture that someone took of you, the first model job you had,which were the first impression you had you saw it published ?
My first model job was a cookbook for OffWhite. When I saw my first publication, I was pleasantly surprised
Which is the first rule you’ve learnt working as a model ?
The first rule I’ve learnt working as a model it is important to always look stylish and in a good mood. You never know who you can meet in the street.
How do you reconcile your life (studies, friends..) with your work ?
I don’t like to leave home for a long time. Just a few days I start to miss for family and friends. Save Social networks and evening video calls.
What is your relationship with fashion? You have your own style, you like to play with clothes and fashion?
My clothing style most close to streetstyle, normcore. Oversize sweaters, shoes or leather sandals, denim tunics or overalls my favorite clothes. It is always comfortable and stylish.
Your relationship with social, photos, instagram ..? You cannot live without it…or sometimes you prefer to be “off line”?
I use all the popular social networks. For each model, it is important to be active in social life: post pictures, publications, interviews … It’s good PR.
What are your favorite hobbies ?
Every winter I go to the mountains to snowboarding. I love to travel with my friends and I like to take pictures of different places and people. And, of course, sport!
What’s the thing that people doesn’t know about working as a model ?
Many people believe that the model job doesn’t require much labor. In fact, it’s hard work. For models is important to be able to quickly transform from one image to another. Model profession requires constant communication with different people and always stay positive and attractive.
The weirdest or funniest thing happened on a set ?
One of my last shooting took place at the fair of agricultural machinery. Passers people took me for famous person and asked to take a photo with me. It was funny:)
What’s the thing you like the most about your job and what you don’t like ?
I love to travel and meet new people. As you know model works in different parts of the world.
Modeling is also about waiting, waiting for you make up….how do you spend your “waiting time” ?
While waiting I read or chat with friends or other models.
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