Omelya Pre-spring 2016: “Party or die”

Omelya Pre-spring 2016: “Party or die”


Omelya Pre-spring 2016: “Party or die”    Italiano-Inglese-New1

di Olga Shtaba

Flash back che ritornano agli habitué delle notti nei club di New York: lunghe tuniche, pantaloni a zampa d’elefante con vita altissima, stampe coloratissime e scritte flou. Kostya Omelya, designer della collezione Pre-spring 2016 collection, l’ha intitolata “Party or die” per raccontare la sua storia ambientata al tempo della disco…come si vestirebbero le così dette “Party Animal”?

Il designer si è lasciato ispirare dall’estetica della club culture, specialmente quella del mitico Studio 54 piena di glitter, stelle di una notte come anche talentuose figure che poi avranno la loro fetta di successo. Le eroine di questa collezione sono dirette e disinibite, affamate di divertimento…ricordano Andy Warhol che confessò: “Sono malato…devo uscire ogni sera. Se resto a casa comincio a spettegolare con i  miei cani”.

La collezione ruota intorno ai minidress fatti di t-shirt oversize…un mix & match con stampe anomalies con la scritta (che da il titolo alla collezione) “Party or die”, comodo e morbido jersey rende i capi super comfy e casual.

OMELYA è una fashion brand ucraina. Il suo fondatore e  designer Kostya Omelya sfila all’interno della  Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Kiev. Dal 2013 OMELYA’s team partecipa a eventi quali: WHN, Pitti, Tranoi, Vogue Dubai Fashion Experience.

Flash back to the habitués of legendary New-York night-clubs: long tunic dresses, bell-bottomed trousers with high waist, vibrant prints and lettering. Kostya Omelya, designer of Pre-spring 2016 collection named “Party or die” is telling his own disco-times story: he imagined how would modern Party Animals look.

Designer was inspired by the aesthetics of clubbing culture, especially Studio 54 and its personalities who were glitterati as well as talented and successful people.

Heroines of this collection are outer-directed, uninhibited, starving for fun, nice company and pleasure. They remind of Andy Warhol, who confessed: “I have Social Disease. I have to go out every night. If I stay home one night I start spreading rumors to my dogs”.

Collection is based on oversized t-shirt dresses. They were created with the Mix&Match technique, with leopard print and ironically provocative headline “Party or die”. Model range is created of flimsy and soft jersey, which made the garments absolutely comfortable and casual.

OMELYA is a Ukrainian fashion brand. Its founder and designer Kostya Omelya annually shows season collections within the framework of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Kiev. Since 2013 OMELYA’s team has been participating in international trade-shows, such as WHN, Pitti, Tranoi, Vogue Dubai Fashion Experience. Minimalism complemented with right features are distinctive features of the brand.