Anna K Collection for Children’s Day

Anna K Collection for Children’s Day


Anna K Collection for Children’s Day    Italiano-Inglese-New

In occasione del International Day for Protection of Children Anna K ha creato una capsule collection di t-shirt. La collezione è caratterizzata da un cuore rosa dedicato ai bambini ed al loro amore sincero. Chi vuole può pre ordinare la t-shirt su, tutto il ricavato verrà devoluto all’organizzazione di charity “Your Support”.

Anna K: “Ragazzi, oggi è il Children’s Day e io come una ragazza di 19 anni, mi sento davvero vicina a questo evento e per questo ho realizzato una serie limited di  Rose Hearts T-shirt…tutto il ricavato della vendita di queste magliette saranno date al progetto #charityboom project e alla  Tvoya Opora foundation.  Anche tu puoi supportare di bambini ucraini ordinando una o più t-shirt sul mio sito. Love!”

On the occasion of The International Day for Protection of Children Anna K created the capsule collection!

At Children’s Day the most successful young designer Anna K presents capsule t-shirt collection with pink heart, dedicated to children’s love. The collection was inspired by kids’ sincere love.

Anyone who wants to make a difference can make the pre-order of T-shirt at All the money from the sales will be transferred to charity organization “Your support”.

Anna K: “Guys, today is Children’s Day and I, as a 19 y.o. girl, feel closer to the event than any other designer. I produced limited series of Rose Hearts tees for the Children’s Day and all the money will be given to the #charityboom project and Tvoya Opora foundation. You can support Ukrainian kids pre-ordering tees on my website. Love!”

Anna K is one of the fastest growing brands today, started international appearance just 1 year and 3 months ago Anna K has been already featured on, Business of fashion,, Vogue Italia, W Magazine and now the collections of Anna K brand are represented in 40 best stores worldwide, including Colette (France), Luisa Via Roma (Italy), Lane Crawford (China), Avenue 32 (Great Britain), Boon The Shop (Korea), Inverted Edge (Singapore), Sauce (UAE).