Iguatemi Campinas Expansion

Iguatemi Campinas Expansion


Iguatemi Campinas Expansion    Italiano-Inglese-New

Carlos Jereissati (CEO Iguatemi) è felice di annunciare l’espansione degli Iguatemi Campinas. Disegnati e progettati seguendo un nuovo concetto di shopping e divertimento, l’ampliamento avrà brand internazionali per la prima volta presenti nella zona e verranno aggiunti complessivamente oltre 20000 metri quadrati di spazi. La location sarà aperta al pubblico il 30 Aprile.

Lo shopping center, il primo shopping hub fuori da una città principale in Brasile, festeggerà i suoi primi 35 anni nel 2015 e ora diventerà il più grande complesso per lo shopping di tutto la nazione, con un’estensione di oltre 106,700 mq.

Iguatemi Campinas aprirà ben 104 nuovi stores, un cinema, un’area fitness e palestra completamente rinnovata, 5 ristoranti, 16 negozi alimentari e un nuovo quartiere dedicato al cibo. L’ampliamento comprende anche ben 798 zone parcheggio. Il progetto ha ricevuto un investimento di R$190 e rinforza l’obbiettivo di Iguatemi di rafforzare la sua presenza nello stato di San Paolo nel consumer market.

“Con questo ampliamento, riaffermiamo il nostro impegno a lungo termine per la regione Campinas, che è di grande importanza per la nostra company”, ha detto Charles Krell (vice president of Iguatemi Empresa de Shopping Centers).

Tutto negli Iguatemi Campinas è pensato per fornite allo stesso tempo un punto di interesse per chi ama la moda, per il divertimento e per la cultura in un ambiente che punta a garantire una esperienza consumer di nuovo e importante livello. L’architettura è studiata per permettere alla luce naturale di illuminare tutti i negozi e ristoranti, i grandi lucernari permette alla luce di filtrare senza però creare calore e garantendo il comfort di un ambiente totalmente climatizzato.Non mancherà il verde sia dentro sia fuori dallo shopping center.

Per darvi un’idea delle novità portate dal progetto di espansione, solo per il settore moda che da sempre è nel DNA di Iguatemi: major brand che prima non erano presenti in città come GAP, GAP Kids and Baby Gap, Sephora, Diesel, The North Face, New Balance, Yves Rocher, Luiza Barcelos , Kiehl’s, Tea Rose, Souq, Pertussis, Reserve, ateen, Tigresse, Lush, Yogini and Lindt.

Grazie ai nuovi spazi ci sarà “spazio” anche per Michael Kors, Tommy Hilfiger, Cavalera, Farm, Lacoste, Polo UK, Rocky Country, UW, Crocs, Skechers, Lacoste and Alo Baby, solo per fare alcuni nomi. Zara Home aprirà uno store all’interno dello shopping center.

Fashion, gastronomia, divertimento, cultura, beauty, wellness, home decor e tecnologia in uno spazio bello e funzionale questo il progetto di Iguatemi Campinas.

Carlos Jereissati (CEO Iguatemi) is pleased to announce the expansion of Iguatemi Campinas. Designed under a new concept of shopping and leisure, the extension will feature new international brands for the first time in the regional city throughout almost 20,000 additional square meters. The expanded location will open to the public on April 30. The shopping center – the first regional shopping hub outside a major city in Brazil – will be celebrating 35 years in 2015 and now becomes one of the largest shopping complexes in the country, with over 106,700 square meters.

Iguatemi Campinas will unveil 104 new stores, a movie theater, a renovated gym, five restaurants, 16 food operations and a new food court. The development will also include more than 798 parking spaces. The project received R$190 million in investment and reinforces Iguatemi’s goal to strengthen its presence in the State of São Paulo and position within the regional consumer market.

“With this expansion, we reaffirm our long-term commitment to the Campinas region, which is of great importance for the company,” says Charles Krell (vice president of Iguatemi Empresa de Shopping Centers).

The expansion of Iguatemi Campinas is designed to provide fashion, leisure and culture in an environment offering enhanced consumer experiences. The architectural design was aimed to allow natural light in major leisure areas. Skylights allow light to enter without losing the comfort of air conditioning. Also noteworthy are the internal spaces with a open green spaces and wide corridors for circulation.

The project will also receive the best gym in the country and state-of-the-art movie theaters, featuring special menus and exclusive service.

The configuration of the Iguatemi Campinas expansion reinforces Iguatemi’s position to offer the most complete mix, melding the best in fashion, gastronomy, leisure, culture, beauty, wellness, home decor and technology.


Fashion is in the DNA of Iguatemi Campinas and the segment will be strongly represented within the expansion, with major international and local brands unprecedented in the city such as GAP, GAP Kids and Baby Gap, Sephora, Diesel, The North Face, New Balance, Yves Rocher, Luiza Barcelos , Kiehl’s, Tea Rose, Souq, Pertussis, Reserve, ateen, Tigresse, Lush, Yogini and Lindt. The expansion will also welcome Michael Kors, Tommy Hilfiger, Cavalera, Farm, Lacoste, Polo UK, Rocky Country, UW, Crocs, Skechers, Lacoste and Alo Baby, among others. Zara Home will also open a store in Iguatemi Campinas.


Highlights include restaurants coming to Campinas for the first time, such as Coco Bamboo, PF Chang’s, Johnny Rockets, Emporio Dinis, Oil & Vinegar and Abbraccio. The project also gain good options in terms of desserts, among them, Amor aos Pedacos, Pati Piva and a new Nespresso Boutique. In addition to these, the following will be present within the new wing: Bar do Alemão, Burger King, Italy Shop, The Matuto, Riyad, Salad Creations, Mei Mei and Sucão.


The new faction of Iguatemi Campinas has distinctive architecture, with marquees to shelter clients and high ceilings creating generous and integrated spaces with facade openings to the outside, allowing views of the beautiful surroundings.


The expansion also includes 28 acres of outdoor gardens, extending 30 thousand square meters. Surrounding the shopping mall is lush vegetation created by using trees which mitigating the impact of the construction and also serve to attenuate temperatures. The idea is to give visitors the feeling of well-being among nature. 300 palm trees were planted.


The conscious use of natural resources is a constant aim of Iguatemi Campinas. The expansion project includes various forms of water and energy saving, making the most of natural lighting and using highly efficient and economic tools. The mall will use recycled water from its STP (Sewage Treatment Plant), considered one of the most modern in Latin America. Part of the sewage disposed through the mall is treated for the production of recycled water that is then used in toilet flushing, irrigation of gardens, roofs cooling and cooling towers.