Chanel a Hyéres 2015

Chanel a Hyéres 2015


Chanel a Hyéres 2015    Italiano-Inglese-New

Per l’edizione 2015, il Festival Internazionale di Hyères ha accolto la Maison Chanel come ospite d’onore, con Karl Lagerfeld Direttore artistico, Virginie Viard Presidente della giuria di moda ed Eric Pfrunder Presidente della giuria fotografica.

Lo stesso Karl Lagerfeld ha tenuto una Master Class per i giovani designer.

Tra i menbri della giuria fotografati nello lavoro di selezione: S.A.R. La Principessa di Hanovre, Caroline de Maigret (modella e produttrice), India Mahdavi (architetto e designer), Anna Mouglalis (attrice), Loïc Prigent (giornalista e regista), Carine Roitfeld (fondatrice di CR Fashion Book), Sébastien Tellier (musicista elettronico, cantante e attore), Anthony Vaccarello (fashion designer), Joana Vasconcelos (artista), Olivier Zahm (art director, giornalista e fotografo).

For the 2015 edition, the international festival d’Hyeres has welcomed the House of Chanel as his guest of honour and Karl Lagerfeld as creative director of the festival, Virginie Viard as jury’s president of the fashion competition and Eric Pfrunder president of photography’s jury competition.

Lagerfeld has held a master class for the new designers.

Take a look at the gallery, you can see jury’s members as they’re working on finding the winners of this edition: S.A.R. La Princesse de Hanovre, Caroline de Maigret (model and producer), India Mahdavi (architect and designer), Anna Mouglalis (actress), Loïc Prigent (journalist and director), Carine Roitfeld (founder of CR Fashion Book), Sébastien Tellier (electronic music artist, singer and actor), Anthony Vaccarello (fashion designer), Joana Vasconcelos (artist), Olivier Zahm (art director, journalist and photographer).