The Artist Is Absent: Martin Margiela

The Artist Is Absent: Martin Margiela


The Artist Is Absent: Martin Margiela   Italiano-Inglese-New

Eccovi l’esclusivo documentario prodotto da YOOX Group dalla regista newyorchese Alison Chernick. Il film, selezionato per l’edizione 2015 del Tribeca Film Festival svela il vero “volto” dell’enigmatico designer belga che appare in questo film come mai prima. Interviste alle personalità più importanti del fashion system come la giornalista Suzy Menkes, i designer Jean Paul Gaultier e Raf Simons e l’imprenditore del fashion retail Geert Bruloot che è stato il primo a scoprire l’enorme talento di Martin Margiela.

Alison Chernick è una regista, produttrice e autrice tv di New York, che divenne famosa per i suoi cortometraggi dove ritraeva le più importanti personalità del mondo dell’arte contemporanea come ad esempio Jeff Koons and Matthew Barney.

Attraverso la sua carriera ha vinto numerosi premi internazionali per le sue regie e sceneggiature e le sue produzioni sono stata proiettate nei più prestigiosi musei del mondo inclusi i 5 Guggenheim, los Smithsonian, SFMOMA e il Walker. Ha anche realizzato il video che accompagnava la mostra di Roy Lichtenstein alla Tate Modern nel 2012.

Nel 2005, ha fondato la sua casa di produzione chiamata “Voyeur Films”, dedicata alla creazione di documentari e film sul mondo dell’arte, della moda, cibo e musica.

The exclusive documentary produced by YOOX Group and directed by New York filmmaker Alison Chernick. The film, selected for the 2015 edition of the Tribeca Film Festival reveals the true face of the enigmatic Belgian designer who appears here as never before. Featuring some of the most distinguished names in the fashion industry, such as fashion journalist Suzy Menkes, designers Jean Paul Gaultier and Raf Simons and fashion retail entrepreneur Geert Bruloot – who was the first to discover the enormous talent of Martin Margiela.

Alison Chernick is a director, producer and television writer from New York, who became famous for her shorts in which she portrayed some of the most important personalities of contemporary art including Jeff Koons and Matthew Barney.

Throughout her career, she has won numerous international prizes for her directing and screenwriting while her productions have been shown in the most prestigious museums in the world including the five Guggenheims, the Smithsonian, SFMOMA and The Walker. She also created the video that accompanied the Roy Lichtenstein exhibit at the Tate Modern in 2012.

In 2005, she founded her own production company called “Voyeur Films”, creating documentaries and films dedicated to fashion, art, food and music.