“Les Bosquets” by JR

“Les Bosquets” by JR


“Les Bosquets” by JR    Italiano-Inglese-New

Images from http://www.jr-art.net/

“Les Bosquets” è l’ultimo film di JR ispirato al suo “Portrait of a Generation”e ad altri suoi progetti sul balletto, la colonna sonora è di Hans Zimmer, Pharrell Williams e Woodkid, e sarà proiettato in anteprima  al Tribeca Film Festival, il prossimo Aprile.

Questo film porta il pubblico in un luogo dove l’arte, i tumulti e le rivolte sociali e il potere dell’immagine si incontrano e collidono. Basato sulla performance del balletto Les Bosquets del New York City Ballet (2014) che era ispirato alle rivolte nelle periferie francesi del 2005, JR racconta la sua esperienza nel ghetto di Montfermeil dove ha creato il suo primo progetto “Portrait of a Generation”. Questo film è una continuazione di questo progetto e utilizza diversi mezzi di espressione e narrazione: video di archivio, coreografie e racconti personali.

JR ci mostra come il desiderio di esistere e vivere in questi ghetti possa superare e sconfiggere la precarietà della vita e creare bellezza dove nessuno riuscirebbe a immaginarla e dove nessuno se l’aspetta.

“Les Bosquets”, JR’s latest movie inspired by his Portrait of a Generation and ballet projects, on a music by Hans Zimmer, Pharrell Williams and Woodkid, will have its world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival, in April.

The film “Les Bosquets” brings the audience in a place where art, social uproar and the power of image interweave. Based on the performance of the ballet Les Bosquets of New York City Ballet (2014) inspired by the riots in the French suburbs in 2005, JR reveals its experience in the ghetto of Montfermeil where he created his first project,Portrait of a Generation. This film is a continuation of this project, for which he uses various means of expression and narration : video archives, choreography and testimony.

The video piece Les Bosquets takes us to a place where art, social uproar and the power of image collide.

After the ballet Les Bosquetspresented by the New York City Ballet (2014), inspired by the 2005 riots in the French ghettos, JR reveals his experience within the community of the Bosquets in Montfermeil, where his first art project (Portrait of a Generation) took place. This film stems from the original project by applying various modes of expression and narration: video archive, choreography and personal testimony.

With music composed by Pharrell Williams, Hans Zimmer and Wookid, JR shows how the desire to exist in these ghettos can overcome the precariousness of life and create beauty where one would no longer expect it.