Masha Ma FW 2015


Masha Ma FW 2015


Masha Ma FW 2015    Italiano-Inglese-New

La genesi della collezione autunno inverno 2015 di Masha Ma parte da a una visita al Museo di Suzhou, l’ultimo progetto dell’ architetto I.M.Pei (vincitore del premio Pritzker)

Le rigorose linee geometriche e i materiali contemporanei utilizzati forniscono un contrasto con gli antichi manufatti sono esposti. Masha Ma traspone questa estetica nel suo womenswear.

Stone-washed, jacquard, velour di pelle, garza, quilting  sono usati e combinati nei classici tradizionali e contemporanei; cappotti cocoon, bomber jacket, gonne longuette o lunghe fino al pavimento, offrendo nuovi punti di vista.

Una stampa grafica gioca sulla tipografia della sua iniziale e l’identità del museo infondono nella tavolozza colori come un bronzo terroso, grigio, blu e kaki con uno spirito metropolitano, rinforzando l’approccio moderno e avventuroso di Ma. Cristalli Swarovski vengono utilizzati non solo come decorazione, ma anche come elementi strutturali dei capi sovvertendo le aspettative.

Lo studio e l’esplorazion  della femminilità del 21 ° secolo  di Ma mostra un nuovo linguaggio estetico cinese senza però ricorrere ai cliché.

Hidden View

The genesis for Masha Ma’s fw15 collection came at a visit to the suzhou museum, the last design by Pritzker prize winning architect I.M.Pei.

The strict geometric lines and contemporary materials employed provide a complementary counter-point to the ancient artifacts it showcases. Masha Ma transposes this contextual aesthetic to her modern womenswear.

Stone-washed, cracked jacquard, velour leather, gauze, quilting, fine twills, and ribbing are used and combined on traditional and contemporary classics; cocoon coats, bombers, pencil skirts and floor- sweeping flares, offering new points of view.

A bold graphic print playing on the typography of her initial and the museum’s identity infuses the earthy colour palette of bronze, grey, navy and khaki with a metropolitan spirit and re-enforces Ma’s modern, exploratory approach. Elsewhere, Swarovski crystals are used not only as decoration, but also as structural elements subverting ones expectations.

Ma’s unending efforts in 21st century femininity showcase a new chinese aesthetic language without resorting to cliché.

This is not cultural collage.

– Suzhou Museum

The Suzhou Museum is a museum of ancient chinese art, ancient chinese paintings, calligraphy, and handmade crafts, situated in suzhou, jiangsu, china. the current building of suzhou museum was designed by pritzker prize winning chinese-american architect I.M.Pei in association with pei partnership architects.

The new Suzhou Museum is said to be the last design of mr. I.M.Pei in his career. Therefore, not only does it become a monumental design building in suzhou, but also a significant construction, merging the traditional chinese architectural design with the future. It enhances the protection of suzhou cultural heritages, and enables suzhou museum to turn on a new page.


Hidden view trough the window

– I.M.Pei

Mr. Pei has designed museums, college buildings, commercial centers and many skyscrapers. With his innovation and creativity, he built many extraordinary buildings all over the world, including the renowned glass and steel pyramid for the musée du louvre in Paris. In 1983, Pei was awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize. Even at the stage, he continues to pursue his dreams and surpass himself by making his design highly monumental than ever. He is truly an outstanding architect by trade.





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