Street Style at London Fashion Week #3


Street Style at London Fashion Week #3


Street Style at London Fashion Week #3    Bandierine Italiano

Images by Alena Hoeldrich.

Quello che accade sulle passerelle è importante ma oggi più che mai è sulle strade e sulle passerelle involontarie dei marciapiedi, delle strade, degli angoli di una piazza che nascono e si mescolano le ultime tendenze mode eccovi un gustoso assaggio di colori, outfit, personaggi incontrati nella prima giornata di fashion week londinese attraverso gli scatti della fotografa Alena Hoeldrich in esclusiva per Zoe Magazine.

You know how important is what happens on runways right? But you know that nowadays its on the impromptu street-runways…pavements…squares…that new trends born and get remixed by people so here’s for you a tasty bite of colors+outfits+characters that we’ve met during this first day of LFW, captured by the eye of photographer Alena Hoeldrich exclusively for Zoe Magazine.

Street Style at London Fashion Week #1

Street Style at London Fashion Week #2

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