Arthur Elgort: The Big Picture


Arthur Elgort: The Big Picture


Arthur Elgort: The Big Picture (publication by Steidl)     Bandierine Italiano

Questo è un volume che raccoglie tutta la produzione di Arthur Elgort, comprendendo sia il suo immaginario legato al mondo della moda che i suoi lavori più personali. Il libro racconta 50 anni di carriera e illustra la sua longevità di fotografo di moda, grandemente imitato, il suo stile live e casual p stato influenzato da una vita in cui ha amato la musica e il ballo ed in particolare il jazz e il balletto.

Il debutto di Elgort avviene nel 1971 per l’edizione inglese di Vogue e crea un impatto non indifferente nel mondo della moda con il suo (di li a poco diventato “iconico”) stile “snapshot” e la sua predilezione per un’enfasi sul movimento e sulla luce naturale che a quel tempo erano un’assoluta rivoluzione per la fotografia di moda. In seguito la sua fama è stata in continua ascesa e ha lavorato con le più importanti testate e magazine di settore e non solo: per le edizioni americana, francese e italiana di Vogue, Interview, GQ, Life e Rolling Stone. Ha anche lavorato alle campagne pubblicitarie per marchi come Chanel, Valentino e Yves Saint Laurent per fare qualche nome.

Arthur Elgort è nato nel 1940 a New York City e li ha vissuto. Ha frequentato la Stuyvesant High School e l’Hunter College dove ha dapprima iniziato a studiare pittura per poi cambiare e scegliere fotografia. Ha pubblicato diversi libri fra cui “Personal Fashion Photographs” (1983) il bestseller “Models Manual” pubblicato durante il boom del fenomeno delle top-model nel 1994.

Elgort ha anche diretto due film, “Texas Tenor: The Illinois Jacquet Story” (1992), e il documentario “Colorado Cowboy” (1993) che è in ritratto del leggendario cowboy Bruce Ford e che han vinto il premio come “Best Cinematography” al Sundance Film Festival nel 1994.

Nel 2011 Elgort ha ricevuto il premio “Board of Directors’ Special Tribute” da parte del prestigioso CFDA  (Council of Fashion Designers of America).

Introduzione di Grace Goddington
Saggio di Martin Harrison
Book design by Marianne Houtenbos and Aoife Wasser
424 pages
24.5 x 32 cm
280 photographs
Four-color process
Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket

US Publication Date: February 28, 2015

Info sul libro e shop online

194_Elgort© The Big Picture by Arthur Elgort published by Steidl

Keira Knightley_2007, Kenya.© The Big Picture by Arthur Elgort published by Steidl

239_Elgort© The Big Picture by Arthur Elgort published by Steidl

Stella Tennant_1995, Watermill, NY. © The Big Picture by Arthur Elgort published by Steidl

255_Elgort© The Big Picture by Arthur Elgort published by Steidl

Nadja Auermann_1993, Ireland. © The Big Picture by Arthur Elgort published by Steidl

290_Elgort© The Big Picture by Arthur Elgort published by Steidl

Karlie Kloss_2012, Atlantic Beach, NY. © The Big Picture by Arthur Elgort published by Steidl

084a_Elgort© The Big Picture by Arthur Elgort published by Steidl

Linda Evangelista_1989, New York City. © The Big Picture by Arthur Elgort published by Steidl

This is Arthur Elgort’s first comprehensive book, showing his world-renowned fashion imagery alongside his personal work. The book spans Elgort’s five-decade career and illustrates his longevity as an emulated fashion photographer. His lively and casual shooting style is significantly influenced by a lifelong love of music and dance, particularly jazz and ballet.

Elgort’s 1971 debut in British Vogue created a sensation in the fashion world where his soon-to-be iconic “snapshot” style and emphasis on movement and natural light transcended norms of fashion photography. Elgort subsequently rose to fame working for such distinguished magazines as American, French and Italian Vogue, Interview, GQ, Life and Rolling Stone; and shooting advertising campaigns for fashion labels including Chanel, Valentino and Yves Saint Laurent.

Arthur Elgort was born in 1940 and raised in New York City. He attended Stuyvesant High School, and Hunter College where he initially studied painting before switching to photography, which he took to naturally. Elgort’s numerous books include Personal Fashion Photographs (1983) and the bestseller Models Manual released during the supermodel boom in 1994. Elgort has also directed two films, Texas Tenor: The Illinois Jacquet Story (1992), and the documentary Colorado Cowboy (1993) which portrays legendary cowboy Bruce Ford and won the award for Best Cinematography at the Sundance Film Festival in 1994. In 2011 Elgort received the Board of Directors’ Special Tribute Award from the Council of Fashion Designers of America.

Foreword by Grace Goddington
Essay by Martin Harrison
Book design by Marianne Houtenbos and Aoife Wasser
424 pages
10 x 12.7 in / 24.5 x 32 cm
280 photographs
Four-color process
Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket

US Publication Date: February 28, 2015

Info about the book and shop online

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