Tim Coppens FW 2015 at NYFW


Tim Coppens FW 2015 at NYFW


Tim Coppens FW 2015 at NYFW    Bandierine Italiano

Acid in my heart

Il nome della collezione dice molto dell’estetica o meglio del concept intorno a cui Tim ha costruito la sua collezione fall winter 2015…gli Skin, i Punk, tutti gli elementi crudi e essenziali della vita trovano rifugio nella linea perfettamente nascosti in una forma lussuosa e dal gusto sartoriale.

Il DIY dell’epoca punk entra prepotentemente in forma grezza, borse vintage tagliate e ricucite per creare cappotti dalla linea pulita, giubbotti bomber e gonne. Elementi sportivi si evolvono in una mutata forma sartoriale. Questo si riflette  anche nell’esplorazione del women’s wear, anche qui borse in tessuto vengono reinventate diventando gonne, e gli Swarovski ricamano i dettagli punteggiando le linee.

Acid in my heart

The skins, the punks, the raw elements of life, find their place in the Tim Coppens Fall Winter 2015 collection, concealed in perfect tailoring and luxurious form.

The fall winter 2015 collection focuses on heightened levels of design. DIY enters in raw form, vintage duffle bags cut and resewn to create clean sharp tailored coats, bombers and skirts. Elements of athleticism take on a more mature form, finding their way into tailored pieces and growing up in style.

Tim Coppen’s exploration of women’s wear continues. The DIY interpretation of design is revealed in the women’s wear with canvas duffel bags transformed into skirts with contrast pleating adding shape and volume. Lamb skin shearling adorns selected bombers, and Swarovski crystal detailing highlights throughout.

Sneakers worn through out the collection are Converse.

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