Prada presenta il video ‘Behind the Scenes’ della campagna Uomo Primavera/Estate 2015.
Il fotografo Craig McDean ritrae Ansel Elgort, Ethan Hawke, Jack O’Connel e Miles Teller tra Londra e New York, ma il senso dei luoghi è più psicologico che geografico. Primi piani di mani, volti e profili irrequieti evocano un senso di ignoto.
Gli oggetti vengono raccolti, spostati, messi in equilibrio. Esaminati pensosamente. Le cose note divengono tanto meno familiari quanto più vengono osservate. Come se le forze magiche che fanno sembrare il mondo così normale avessero, per un tempo vagamente breve, rivelato la loro bizzarria.
Starring: Ansel Elgort, Ethan Hawke, Jack O’Connell, Miles Teller
Photography: Craig McDean
Music: Flower of the Field by Mamiffer
Prada presents the ‘Behind the Scenes’ video of its Spring/Summer 2015 Menswear Campaign.
Photographer Craig McDean shoots Ansel Elgort, Ethan Hawke, Jack O’Connel and Miles Teller between London and New York. But the sense of the place in is more psychological than geographical. Close-ups of hands, faces and agitated outlines conjure a sense of the unknown.
Objects are picked up, moved, balanced. Pensively scrutinized. Familiar things become less than familiar the more they’re looked at. As if the magical forces that make the world seems so normal have, for an indeterminately short time, revealed their strangeness.
Starring: Ansel Elgort, Ethan Hawke, Jack O’Connell, Miles Teller
Photography: Craig McDean
Music: Flower of the Field by Mamiffe
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