Chanel Haute Couture S/S 2015 Guest


Chanel Haute Couture S/S 2015 Guest


Chanel Haute Couture S/S 2015 Guest    Bandierine Italiano

Dentro a una lussureggiante serra, sotto la cupola del Grand Palais, Karl Lagerfeld ha presentato la nuova collezione Spring-Summer 2015 Haute Couture.

Davanti a un pubblico di ospiti prestigiosi incluse le Chanel Ambassador Vanessa Paradis, Kristen Stewart, Alice Dellal e Anna Mouglalis, il volto di BLEU de CHANEL Gaspard Ulliel, le attrici francesi Clotilde Hesme e Alma Jodorowsky, la scrittrice Anne Berest, il cantante coreano G-Dragon, l’attrice americana Dylan Penn e l’attrice britannica Stacy Martin, Erin O Connor, Stella Tennant, Razane Jammal, il designer ha composto un’ode alla primavera.

It’s within a luxuriant greenhouse, beneath the dome of the Grand Palais that Karl Lagerfeld chose to present the new CHANEL Spring-Summer 2015 Haute Couture collection.

In front of an audience of prestigious guests including CHANEL ambassadresses Vanessa Paradis, Kristen Stewart, Alice Dellal and Anna Mouglalis, the face of BLEU de CHANEL Gaspard Ulliel, the French actresses Clotilde Hesme and Alma Jodorowsky, the French writer Anne Berest, the Korean singer G-Dragon, the American actress Dylan Penn and the British actress Stacy Martin, Erin O Connor, Stella Tennant, Razane Jammal, the designer composes an ode to springtime.

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