Songzio Men F/W 2015


Songzio Men F/W 2015


Songzio Men F/W 2015    Bandierine Italiano

La nuova collezione di Songzio continua il suo viaggio all’interno del tema della natura che continua a reinterpretare in questa occasione le immagini autunnali/invernali vengono fermate con veloci colpi di pennello.

Nascono così stampe di rami secchi, foglie, terra e altri elementi naturali su pelle e tessuto.

La sfilata si è aperta con i classici e iconici look di Songzio dedicati agli abiti scuri classici, silhouette dal forte sapore retrò che enfatizzano la vita e le spalle, non mancano però volumi più consistenti nei caposala e così giacche, giacconi, cappotti e mantelle aggiungono una struttura importante ai completi che sono invece molto essenziali.

Oltre ai pantaloni a gamba larga, comodi quest’anno Songzio tenta nuove strade per il suo stile introducendo pantaloni a sigaretta un po’ sporty caratterizzati dai dettagli dei Chelsea Boots.

Lo styling della collezione è una combinazione di smoking e cravatte in pelle stampata per un look che si richiama allo stile dell’uomo degli inizi del secolo scorso ma visto in una prospettiva contemporanea. Dettagli come zip nere e grandi bottoni a pressione caratterizzano invece il tocco sporty dei capispalla, arricchiti da dettagli in velluto e pelle sui revere.

La palette costruita intorno al nero tono su tono (caratteristica delle linee di Songzio) ha anche colori tipici della stagione invernale quali verde scuro, mogano, oro spento, viola scuro.

Songzio’s collection was the prolongation of his consistent theme which is nature and he reinterpreted the repetition of winter/autumn evening images through rough brush strokes yet modern and full of wit.

By printing dry branches, leaves, earth and various forms and images of winter/autumn nature on leather textile, the show expressed and emphasized masculinity.

The show curtained up with Songzio’s signature share of tailoring black looks. The strong retro silhouettes emphasizing the waist and shoulder line where one can feel the aesthetics of masculinity led the show while the voluminous coats, jackets and knit cape applying a bold and structural shoulder cut on traditional outerwear made a contrast.

Together with wide pants, wide shorts, and cocoon pants which are Songzio’s signature share, newly attempted and introduced items were sporty Cigarette pants where Sonzio utilized and made use of the details of Chelsea Boots.

The new styling of the collection was the combination of collars-up tuxedo dress shirt and printed leather tie which interprets the early 20th century retro gentleman look in a contemporary perspective. Details such as Black zippers and big snap buttons completed the sporty accent for overall category while shearling and corduroy materials applied to peaked lapel trenches, windbreakers and hunting jackets introduced the daily and wearable style.

Taking the best out of natural materials such as cowhide, lambskin and shearling, Songzio created and emphasized elegant masculinity.
New print patterns that implicate the autumn mountain were presented by the rough brush strokes and textile patterns were completed by repetition of pebble, leaves, and chessboard which reminds the autumn color with wit.

The mixed-match of various novel animal skin pattern materials that shows the unevenness of surface such as skin of anaconda, elephant, crocodile, ostrich and natural leather enriched the collection.

Overall the season’s collection mainly traces Songzio’s signature colour black tone on tone, as an overarching season trend another primary colours dominated the runways: dark green, mahogany, sheer gold, raisin etc which are inspired by nature, resonated deeply and balanced.

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