Saint Laurent S/S Collection Part 2


Saint Laurent S/S Collection Part 2


Saint Laurent S/S Collection Part 2    Bandierine Italiano

“It’s only rock’n’roll but i like it” cantavano i Rolling Stones, si è solo rock ‘n’ roll…chissà se a quel tempo erano consapevoli che NON era SOLO rock’n’roll ma era molto di più. Uno stile che avrebbe caratterizzato e ispirato moltissimi e che dopo così tanti anni (la canzone è del 1974) sarebbe stato ancora così attuale e così ricco di fascino e sfumature.

La ricerca di Hedi Slimane con SL continua su una lunga strada sterrata, su una decappottabile con il parabrezza sporco di sabbia e la musica a tutto volume, il mood della collezione è quello di un tour, una band alla ricerca di nuove date e nuovi sogni.

Vestiti leggerissimi in trama d’oro o a stampe floral, short in black leather e giacche avvitate, giacche camo con tasche d’oro, tuxedo jacket con revere argento, biker top e trench in pelle.

Insieme al total black Slimane gioca con lampi di colore: verde, rosso e porpora. Gli accessori must have: cappello a tesa larga e diritta, turbante e altissimi sandali con plateau in colori metallizzati o con il tacco ricoperto di stud.

A interpretare la nuova collezione un gruppo di giovanissimi, due modelle e un musicista.

Kiki ha 18 anni e viene da Amsterdam e fa parte dell’esclusiva Saint Laurent Model Cabin, ha aperto la sfilata Saint Laurent 70’s show a Ottobre 2014.

James è un chitarrista di Los Angeles scoperto da Hedi Slimane per strada nell’estate 2014.

Marjan ha 20 anni ed è di Amsterdam e anche lei come Kiki ha sfilato in esclusiva per Saint Laurent a Ottobre.

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“It’s only rock’n’roll but i like it” that’s what the Stones used to sing right? Only rock’n’roll?…do they know back then that it was NOT ONLY rock’n’roll music but it was so much more. It was and it still is a style that has inspired and influenced many and that after all these years (the song is from 1974) it’s still so contemporary and fascinating and alluring.

Heidi Slimane’s travel keeps on going…it’s a long road to drive, on a dusty road, driving a convertible car with the music at top volume, the collection’s mood is the one you can breath when you’re on tour with a band…always looking for new gigs to play and new dreams to dream.

Lightweight dresses in gold or with floral prints, black leather shorts and twisted jackets, camouflage with an hint of gold on the pockets, tuxedo’s pieces with silver details, leather trench and biker jacket.

Hedi, devoted to a total black attitude, likes playing with slashes of colors: green, red and purple.

These are the protagonists of the new adv campaign.

Saint Laurent Spring Summer Collection Part 2 – Women And Men – Photographed In Los Angeles In October 2014

Kiki is 18 years old from Amsterdam and part of the exclusive Saint Laurent Model Cabin. She opened the Saint Laurent 70’S Show in October 2014. James is a guitarist from Los Angeles and was street casted by Hedi in the summer of 2014. Marjan is 20 years old from Amsterdam and also walked exclusively for the Saint Laurent SS15 Show.

The fashion show was part 2 of the SS15 Collection following the Men’s Psych Rock / introducing a Ysl 70’s feel.

Candy shoes are the wew Saint Laurent Glam Rock Platform Shoes with a Ysl flared heel.

The music of the show “123” was composed by Aleide for Hedi’s Saint Laurent Spring Summer Show. The band, Aleide is from Amsterdam and Is signed with Lolipop Records in Los Angeles. The soundtrack was finalized in Paris at the Couture House Rue De L’université where Aleide and Hedi met. Aleide lives between amsterdam and Los Angeles.

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