Jupe by Jackie men’s AW15


Jupe by Jackie men’s AW15

Jupe di Jackie AW15 è un'espressione audace di stile maschile combinato con dettagli eleganti .

La serie di cravatte, papillon, cravatte a nastro, cravatte sciarpa, fazzoletti e boutonnieres, è definiti da combinazioni di colori accattivanti e disegni suggestivi. Ogni particolare, ricamato a mano nell'atelier si ricompone in nuove ricche texture che caratterizzano l'accessorio dell'uomo . Questa stagione, Jupe by Jackie introduce anche una selezione di camicie , con sottili dettagli ricamati dettagli su collo e polsi . come voluto dal designer Jackie Villev
 Jupe by Jackie viene venduto nei negozi di fascia alta in tutto il mondo , tra cui Colette , Jeffrey di , Dover Market Street, CommedesGarçons Trading Museum e Corso Como 10 shanghai .







Jupe by Jackie AW15 men’s collection is a bold expression of masculine style combined with elegant detail.

The series of ties, bow ties, ribbon ties, scarf ties, hand kerchiefs and boutonnieres, are defined by eye-catching colour combinations and striking designs. each detail, embroidered by hand in the delhibased atelier, comes together in rich new textures that enhance the man’s accessory.

This season, Jupe by Jackie also introduces a selection of linen and cot ton shirts, with subtle

hand embroidered details on collars and cuffs. Maintaining hand embroidery as her trademark, designer Jackie Villevoye put all effort into the studying of intricate embroidery techniques. This approach encapsulates Jackie’s attitude towards all of her men’s and women’s designs: using her enthusiasm for craftsmanship to create elegant and outspoken fashion.

Jupe by Jackie is sold in high end stores around the world, amongst them Colette, Jeffrey’s, dover street Market, boon The shop,CommedesGarçons Trading Museum and Corso Como 10 shanghai. 

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