Keira Knightley in Chanel


Keira Knightley in Chanel


Keira Knightley in Chanel

Alla premiere del film “The Imitation Game” organizzata da Chanel a New York, Keira Knightley (volto di Coco Mademoiselle e attrice del film) ha indossato un completo rosso, con giacca in tweed bianca e nera e gonna (look 5 della collezione Spring Summer 2015 Act 1).

The Weinstein Company’s “The Imitation Game” Premiere Luncheon Hosted by Chanel in New York.

Keira Knightley, face of Coco Mademoiselle & actress in the film, wore a red, black & white tweed jacket and skirt, look 5, from the Spring-Summer 2015 Act 1 collection.

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