Martin Schoeller Portraits


Martin Schoeller Portraits


Martin Schoeller Portraits

Si celebra a New York l’uscita dell’ultimo libro di Martin Schoeller e una mostra retrospettiva (vernissage 13 Novembre presso Hasted Kraeutler a New York). Il libro e la mostra contengono immagini mai pubblicate che coprono l’arco degli ultimi 15 anni della sua carriera.

Schoeller ha lavorato come assistete di Annie Leibovitz dal 1993 al 1996. Ha poi cominciato come freelance realizzando ritratti alle persone che incontrava per la strada. Il suo lavoro ha velocemente ottenuto riconoscimenti in tutto il mondo per il suo forte impatto visivo e dal 1998 in poi i suoi lavori sono apparsi su National Geographic, TIME, Rolling Stone, Esquire, GQ, Entertainment Weekly, Vouge, Vanity Fair, W solo per citarne alcuni. In seguito si è unito a Richard Avedon come fotografo di ritratti per il New Yorker (1999-2011). I suoi ritratti hanno fatto parte di mostre personali e collettivi in Europa e in US e fanno parte della collezione permanente del prestigioso National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution (Washington, DC).

Martin’s latest monograph, Portraits (teNeues, 2014), and the opening of a retrospective on Thursday, November 13th at Hasted Kraeutler in New York. The book and exhibition feature never before seen images that span the past fifteen years of his career.

Martin Schoeller grew up in Germany and was deeply influenced by August Sander’s countless portraits of the poor, the working class and the bourgeoise as well as by Bernd and Hilla Becher, who spawned a school known as the Becher-Schüler.

Schoeller worked as an assistant to Annie Leibovitz from 1993 to 1996. He advanced as a freelance photographer producing portraits of people he met on the street. The work gained recognition for its strong visual impact and, from 1998 on, his work has appeared in National Geographic, TIME, Rolling Stone, Esquire, GQ, Entertainment Weekly, Vouge, Vanity Fair, and W among others. Schoeller joined Richard Avedon as a contributing portrait photographer at The New Yorker from 1999 to 2011. He continues to produce award-winning images there as well as for major magazines and brands worldwide.

His portraits are exhibited and collected internationally, including several solo exhibitions in Europe and the US and are included in the permanent collection of the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.

Martin Schoeller: Portraits
Reception: 6-8pm, November 13th

Hasted Kraeutler
537 w24th Street
New York, NY 10011

On view November 13th 2014 – January 3rd, 2015

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