Shiatzy Chen Spring Summer 2015


Shiatzy Chen Spring Summer 2015


Shiatzy Chen Spring Summer 2015.      Scroll down for english text.

Under The Sea.

L’oceano è ricco di vita e di energia e di bellissime leggende. La nostra storia ha arricchito le nostre vite con mille racconti di leggende marine a tutte le latitudini del mondo.

Venere la dea che governava la navigazione e il raccolto nella mitologia greca, si diceva fosse nata dalla schiuma del mare. Emersa dalle onde in una conchiglia ricoperta di luci e colori mai visti, persino gli altri dei e dee rimasero colpiti dalla sua nascita e dalla sua bellezza.

Anche le storie di sirene vengono dall’oceano. Secondo un’antica storia Cinese, duemila anni fa, Qinshihuang il primo imperatore della Cina cercava l’elisir per l’immortalità, mandò l’alchimista maoista Xu Fu verso i mari dell’est per trovarlo. Nel viaggio incontrò anche “Jiaoren”, figura illustrata in bianco e nero nelle stampe della storia illustrata “Classic of the mountain and the seas”, conosciuta anche come la sirena dell’ovest.

L’immaginario e le immagini che raccontano e ispirano la nuova collezione di Shiatzy Chens sono le bellissime creature e i colori del mondo sottomarino, i coralli e le conchiglie e le onde iridescenti e le perle…le lacrime della sirena. La collezione Spring Summer inizia dagli schizzi in bianco e nero dal classico “Classic of the mountain and the seas” per poi tuffarsi nel mondo fantastico dell’oceano, un nuovo romantico e poetico capitolo nel libro della moda.

Per un’occhiata al front row con la bellissima Miranda Kerr CLICCA QUI.

Eccovi uno sguardo particolare per innamorarvi degli accessori e cogliere i preziosi dettagli della collezione.

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Under The Sea.

The ocean is rich with life energy and beautiful legends. Our history has enriched our lives with tales after tales of these marine legends from both the East and the West.

Venus, the goddess that governed navigation and harvest in Greek mythology, was said to be born of sea foam. She rose up from the tides in a seashell while covered in lights of magical colors. Even the gods and goddesses were amazed by her birth and her beauty.

The mermaid is also a beautiful story from the ocean.  According to Chinese legend, two thousand years ago, Qinshihuang, the first emperor of China, wanted to obtain the elixir of immortality.  He sent Taoist alchemist Xu Fu to the eastern seas to find the elixir. He also encountered the “Jiaoren” figure that were illustrated in black and white prints in the “Classic of the Mountain and the Seas”, known as mermaid from the West. The mermaid has also appeared in numerous fairy tales, cartoon and films with romantic stories.

The vibrant and beautiful living beings and colors in world under the sea, the corals and seashells in the glittering waves, and pearls – the tears of the mermaid, all construct the scenery of SHIATZY CHEN’s 2015 Spring-Summer Collection.

The SHIATZY CHEN 2015 Spring-Summer Collection starts with the black and white sketches in the original “Classic of the Mountain and the Seas”, glimpses into the fantasy world of the colorful ocean, and connects it to a romantic and poetic chapter in fashion.

To get a closer look at the front row and at the beautiful Miranda Kerr CLICK HERE.

Colors palette: pale yellow / pure white / pink / marine black / coral red / aquamarine / navy / fuschia / bright green / gradated colors / glittering embellishments of mixed materials / nude shades

Silhouette:Sleek and clean-cut cropped jacket / Outfits with partial twining effects/ Layered bottoms / Geometric cut-out designs / A-Line /Cropped tops and boxed cropped tops / Draping / Transparency / patchworks and special tailoring techniques / antique embroidered skirt extents to all-around pleats / Slips in Chinese bellyband style

Materials:Cord embroidered laces / silk prints / spun-laced jacquards / athletic mesh fabrics / organza with floral beads / herringbone knits with bright colors / PVC

– Accessories

Handbags:handbag with patchworks of leathers and acrylic / Sac de Jade / Jade buckle / embroideries of the underwater world / Hand-painted handbag with prints of the underwater world

Shoes:Athletic platform flip flop sandals / wrapped with ropes to create the effect of Roman sandals / transparent materials used on high heels.

Accessories:the shape of the mermaid is is used as the theme for accessories with pearls as the embellishments. The materials have enamel-like glitters. Geometric bracelets with cut-off designs wrap around the wrist. Jellyfish pendant

necklaces and beads create a fluidity of movement.

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