Insta-Cannes #1


Insta-Cannes #1


Il 14 Maggio ha aperto i battenti il festival del cinema di Cannes, il suo red carpet rappresenta il non plus ultra in quanto a glamourness è – insieme agli Academy Awards – un’occasione per vedere le creazioni degli stilisti finalmente indossate fuori dalle passerelle. Ogni marchio ha un suo “esercito” di personalities a cui dedicarsi e che li rappresenteranno durante i photocall (se sono attori, attrici o registi) o sui red carpet alle proiezioni dei film.
Come sempre ci siamo divertiti a sbirciare l’evento attraverso gli account di instagram per cogliere momenti divertenti, insoliti o super glamour dell’atmosfera unica della Croisette.

May 14th was the Cannes Film Festival’s opening day. It’s red carpet is always one of the most glamorous, and along with the one at the Academy Awards, an occasion to finally see designers’ creations worn off the catwalks. Each brand has it’s own “personal troupe” of famous people who will wear these creations on the red carpet for the various film projections, and also represent them for photocalls ( if they’re actors, actresses or directors).

Here are some Instagram account snaps for you to get a feel of Cannes’ unique atmosphere.



Attraverso l’account di Dior, diamo un’occhiata alla famosa scalinata ancora “nuda”. Let’s take a sneak peak through Dior’s official account of the famous stairs yet to be dressed.


dior red carpet

Eccola finalmente “vestita” del classico rouge. Here it is, finally wearing the classic red.


blake lively

Blake Lively sul red carpet riceve una dichiarazione d’amore stile “in ginocchio da te”. An impromptu declaration of love for Blake Lively on the red carpet.


natasha poly

Natasha Poly a un party in outfit super glitter e maybelline eyes. Natasha Poly in a super glittery evening dress and maybelline eye makeup.


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La nuova app di L’Oreal per provare differenti tipi di make-up in real time con una selfie-tecnique, Julianne Moore sembra entusiasta. The new L’Oreal app gives you the chance of trying different types of makeup with a real time selfie type technique which Julianne Moore seems quite enthusiastic about.


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Hanneli Mustaparta in arrivo a Cannes, si ripara dietro un paio di occhiali vintage in bachelite. Hanneli Mustaparta arriving in Cannes, shades her eyes behind a beautiful pair of vintage sunnies.



l'oreal 1

Julianne Moore coinvolge Zoe Saldana e Joann Smalls per un selfie dalla serata L’Oreal. Julianne Moore does a selfie with Zoe Saldana and Joan Smalls at the L’Oreal evening.


fredia pinto

Freida Pinto ci regala un’anteprima del suo vestito tutto marabù. Freida Pinto gives us a preview hint of her evening gown with all it’s marabou feathers.


Fredia Pinto 1

Freida finalmente sul red carpet e il vestito è davvero “to die for”. Freida finally on the red carpet and her dress is literally “to die for”.


Andre Saraiva

Andrè Saraiva ha portato il suo simpatico personaggio in giro per le notti di Cannes. Andrè Saraiva took his amusing graffiti character around Cannes by night.


Lindsay 1

Lindsay Lohan, dopo il suo reality per Oprah, sembra finalmente aver ripreso a sorridere, eccola mieter vola in un jet privato, destinazione Cannes. After her reality documentary series with Oprah, Lindsay Lohan seems to have finally found her smile again and here we see her flying in a private jet with destination… Cannes!


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Eleonora Carisi incantevole in un raffinatissimo total look Roberto Cavalli mentre si reca alla prima di “Homesman”. Eleonora Carisi stunning in an elegant Roberto Cavalli “total look” on her way to the “Homesman” premiere.


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Rita Ora festeggia il suo ennesimo numero 1 con un premio di Belvedere Vodka. Rita Ora welcoming a Belvedere Vodka prize, she’s in Cannes and celebrating another number one hit.


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