testo e foto Noemi Robino
Un giro in città come se fossimo dei turisti appena arrivati, le strade, le chiese e i paramenti pasquali, un mazzo di fiori che sanno di primavera finalmente e il cielo che acquista toni di un azzurro inedito ma già così familiare. Eccovi una selezione di scatti in giro per Palermo e una scelta di capi e accessori matchy matchy con la palette delle fotografie.
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English text.
A sightseeing tour trough our city as we were tourists right out of our plane: the streets, the churches and their holy decorations, a flower bouquet that smell so springish…finally, the sky gets new tones of blue yet so familiar. Here you are with a selection of pics around Palermo and clothes and accessories matchy matchy with the palette of the photographs.
What’s your choice? What do you like the most? Click, click, click to get more info about the items you like the most and buy them directly trough Net A Porter.
Oscar De La Renta CLICK TO BUY
Oscar De La Renta CLICK TO BUY
Charlotte Olympia CLICK TO BUY
Oscar De La Renta CLICK TO BUY
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